In 2019, we fostered conversations around critical issues facing our economy, our churches, and our communities. Jay Jakub, author of Completing Capitalism, challenged us to consider that the public good is not incompatible with a positive balance sheet at “Business for the Common Good.” Dr.s Matthew Hoehner and Ellen Bartling helped educators understand their opportunity to build student character at “Character Formation in K-12 Education.” And Cameron Anderson, former director of Christians in the Visual Arts, demonstrated the importance of Christian creatives at “The Faithful Artist.”
Over the past year, we hosted more than 1,000 individuals at nine public events, with 97% of event attendees stating they would recommend DIFW events to a friend. We are grateful for our opportunity to create a network of believers across industries who are committed to creating positive change for their communities.
By the Numbers
- 1,043 Event Attendees
- 9 Public Events
- 266 Attendees at the Professional Women's Network and the Entrepreneur's Forum
- 6 Vocational Community Gatherings
What Others Are Saying

When we talk about ‘mutuality,’ it’s not about redistribution — it’s about reciprocity. It’s about creating mutually beneficial relationships among the broader business ecosystem in which we operate.
Jay Jakub
Author, "Completing Capitalism"
Speaking at “Business for the Common Good”
"Seeing other Christians debate a hot-button topic like global warming through a theological lens was enlightening. The event was a reminder that we don’t have to sit it out when it comes to controversial issues — our faith can inform and equip us to thoughtfully participate in public dialogue."

Joel Hughes
IT Developer
After “God, Energy, and the Environment”

"The life of Christ was one of giving up power. I view power as something that is important to the human condition and the way to improve our lives, and it has to be shared."
Linda Olsen
Mayor, City of Englewood
Speaking at “Faith in the Public Square”
"It’s helpful to have other people to normalize issues I face as an artist and encourage one another. I loved meeting other Christian artists and hearing perspectives on how others integrate their faith into their art."

Laura Dreyer
After “The Faithful Artist”

"The same commitment to pursuing truth that directs my work as a scientist enriches my life as a Christian; to pursue truth requires brutally hard work, perseverance, and deep reflection."
Rick Lindroth
Professor and Associate Dean,
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Speaking at “God, Energy, and the Environment”
Editor’s note: “Challenging the Status Quo” is a series of posts from the 2019 Annual Report.