God’s first instructions to us were to care for and cultivate the world. Humans have both rights and responsibilities when it comes to our planet and many of us struggle to navigate this polarizing topic as we seek to balance environmental concerns, economic development, and human autonomy. So what does care and cultivation look like today? Join Denver Institute for Faith & Work for an evening exploring the tension between environmental stewardship and economic development. Ecologist Rick Lindroth, University of Wisconsin, Madison, will offer insight about climate change gained from his work as a researcher and educator. Panelists representing Colorado’s oil and gas and renewable energy sectors will share challenges they face as they seek to provide affordable, accessible power. Together, we’ll explore questions, such as:What does Scripture tell us about caring for creation?How do we discern truth about climate change when opposing sides claim they have the facts?Do fossil fuels accelerate global warming? Is renewable energy a viable alternative?What role can Christians play in energy development and how can they navigate often contentious environmental discussions?Whether you work in oil and gas, renewable energy, or the scientific community--or simply want to explore the intersection of faith, environmentalism, and economic development--we invite you to “God, Energy & the Environment,” April 4th.
General Admission
Thursday, April 10th
6:30 p.m.

Rick Lindroth

Tom Hunt
VP for Strategic Initiatives

Hunter Beaumont
Co-Founder / Lead Pastor

Doran Oancia
COO and Founding Partner