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Join Denver Institute staff members Joanna Meyer, Jeff Hoffmeyer, Brian Gray, Dustin Moody, and Catherine Sandgren as they reflect on the events of the past year. In this episode, we discuss a wide range of topics from what it means to have a faith that is built for the liminal spaces of life, to slippers and Christmas music.
On liminal space:
" I would say our faith is built for liminality, it's built for the in-between. Even if you just think about the two primary Liturgical seasons of the Christian year one of which we are in, that is, Advent, the second one is Holy Week. If you think about Good Friday, Holy Saturday, Easter Sunday, it's actually Holy Saturday that's at the heart of that passion movement of our faith." -Jeff Hoffmeyer
On the "with God" life:
"... it is through the in-between moments and transitions that we're reminded that the 'with God' life is here also. And so the question is, God how do you want me to live in this moment? " - Brian Gray
On the people of Christ leading with love:
"My hope for 2022 is that the body of Christ would lead in love in the world and that can sound very vague and wishful thinking. But I think for a significant portion of the last few years we've had a combative attitude towards each other in our community. And so my prayer is that we would be asking ourselves, 'what does it look like to tangibly express the love of Christ in our world?' " - Joanna Meyer
Be sure to check out these great resources and fun mentions from this episode: DIFW Christmas Playlist, Fleming Rutledge's book Advent: The Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ, The Faith and Work Classroom: Embracing Sabbath Rest E-Book, and of course Brian's Slipper recommendation. *
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