Adrienne Tafilowski, a 5280 Fellowship alumna, recently wrote Brian Gray, the Director of the 5280 Fellowship, a thank you note for impacted that the Fellowship had her life.
Adrienne works as the Care Team and Culture Director at L&R Pallet, a pallet manufacturer in northeast Denver. L&R Pallet has been recognized for hiring refugees from Myanmar. Adrienne builds a healthy culture at L&R Pallet and provides wrap-around services to refugees adjusting to life in the U.S. Adrienne believes that “the purpose of business is social good,” an ethic she lives out daily at work.
In this brief note, Adrienne shares about how the 5280 Fellowship – a nine-month intensive program for emerging leaders on theology, work, and culture – impacted her. She recently graduated from the 2017-18 class. (This note is shared with her permission.)
Dear Brian,

Sometimes I just need to step back and really evaluate something to put a nice bow on top – to really end something well.
Thank you. Thank you for your commitment, your thoughtfulness, your gifts – to do, to lead, to inspire, to challenge, to equip, to teach in the 5280 Fellowship.
This 9-month program changed my life. It gave me hope, a new sense of purpose, a REAL calling, and a heart for PLACE.
It certainly brought me up to speed on some theology. I can finally have a conversation with Ryan [her husband, who has a doctorate in theology from Oxford]. J/K…But no really, the Fellowship is rich, deep, intentional. Wow. I am so grateful that you lead this – our city and the Church needs it.
I prayed for a way to find my footing to be more confident in my faith and to find peace. I got it.
Adrienne T.