Jeff Haanen
Banking Alone

  Recently I received an urgent plea from Mike, a young investment banker in New York. Mike had just graduated with his BA in financial economics from Columbia University. Having read my review of Kevin Roose’s Young Money, he knew that investment banking meant 100 hour work weeks, acidic professional environments, and often working for […]

Bob Cutillo
Health as Possession or Health as Gift?

Our image of health care depends on our understanding of health. And this, at its most basic level, begins with an important question: Is health a possession, or is it a gift? The answer makes all the difference. If health is a possession, it is my health — something to have and hold, a thing […]

How the White House Will Shape Denver

That may be a nervy concept given the unfolding of this current presidential election.But for nearly 50 years, the White House Fellowship program has taken elite, emerging professionals and placed them into a highly selective, one-year internship. White House Fellows participate in educational seminars, meet up close with senior leaders, and work in meaningful learn-by-doing […]

For Such a Time as This

By Bethany JenkinsOn a flight from London to New York, Mark Campisano sat next to a senior partner of his firm. When dinner arrived, knowing that many of his colleagues held unfavorable opinions of Christians and their faith, Mark didn’t want to trigger any negative stereotypes or give thanks “so as to be seen by […]

Brian Gray
The Christian Life is Taught & Caught

I’m a cagey veteran of the staff here at Denver Institute for Faith & Work… a ripe 21 days into my tenure. After serving on DIFW’s Church Advisory Council for the past two-and-a-half years, I transitioned from the faculty of Denver Seminary to a new role here as the director of cultural engagement. Amidst the […]

Boulder Daily Camera: Moving west for meaningful work

This column first appeared in the print and digital editions of the Boulder Daily Camera on January 27, 2016. Erik Nelson, a former VP with a large financial service company, is on the hunt for meaningful work.He recently moved from Texas to Colorado to find a job in the nonprofit sector, hoping to discover a career with […]

Spelunking, Cave Formations, and Culture Change

“It’s riskier than ever,” Jill said, “to tell people you work with you’re a Christian.”Jill worked at a public policy communications firm in Denver. Having worked with people of all faiths and no faith for over seven years, her sentiment about being a Christian in pluralist America was one I heard often. Fear. Isolation. Better […]

Alex Wenzel
“A Christian and a Lawyer?”

A college student at my church once approached me after a service and asked, “Do you think it’s possible to be a Christian and a lawyer?”I think I masked the offense I felt pretty well.While his question was fairly general considering the vast types of law practices there are, I understood the thrust of his […]

Jeff Haanen
Want an Affordable Home? Thank a Craftsman

 What is causing soaring home prices in Denver right now? This is the question on many would-be buyers’ minds. In June of 2015, the average home price in Denver was $366,419 — the highest in Colorado state history.The Denver City Council has spent significant time trying to find solutions to the shortage of affordable housing. […]

It’s Time to Honor the Hard Work of Raising Children

By Andrea Palpant Dille A male friend of mine recently struck up a conversation with me about work and gender. “This might sound sexist,” he said, standing in the church sanctuary, “but I just can’t do what my wife does at home. I think it would destroy my sense of dignity.” I shifted my weight, […]

Jill Anschutz
We All Want Purpose in Our Work

This is the second post in a three-part series about the 5280 Fellowship, a new program for emerging leaders created by Denver Institute for Faith & Work.Spend any time in Denver’s urban core and one thing becomes apparent: Denver is a young town. Whether you’re shopping for snowshoes at REI, sipping coffee on South Broadway, […]

The Work of the Pastor

By Trevor Lee If all work is profoundly valuable, what’s the point of being a pastor? I didn’t have a good answer for that question. I had been on a multiyear journey discovering the importance of all work — that generative work is an important part of what it means to bear the image of God […]