Brian Gray
Inspiration: How to Pray for Specific Vocations

 Every Sunday, in churches across Colorado, worship leaders call attention to the needs of their communities and the world. Simply put, we pray for what we care about. Do the prayers you offer from the pulpit, in small group settings–or even in your personal prayer life–speak to the ways the members of your congregation labor every […]

Brian Gray
Media, Marketing & Storytelling

How does marketing and communications contribute to the work of God today?Hear how a panel of marketers and public relations experts answered this question at our 2015 event “Media, Marketing & Storytelling.” Panelists are T.C. Johnstone of Gratis 7 Media Group, Eric Brown of Whiteboard, Grady Powell of Openfields, Jill Anschutz (Hamilton) of SE2 and Jesse Marble of  Magneti Marketing.  

Brian Gray
Telling Your Company’s Story

“No matter what industry you work in. No matter where you are on the corporate ladder. Perhaps a different lens to tell our stories, market our brands, and lead our organizations is through the lens of the prophet. We are prophets of a future not our own.If we get this perspective right…We get our story […]

Greatness and Grace

Today Christianity Today published my interview with New York Times Columnist David Brooks on his incredible new book The Road to Character. Here it is in its entirety: David Brooks: We Need to Start Talking about Sin and Righteousness Again The New York Times columnist asks what it takes to build character in a ‘Big Me’ culture. Interview […]

Jeff Haanen
Matt Turner, MorningStar Senior Living (Video)

Matt Turner, the CFO of MorningStar Senior Living, serves nearly 1000 employees, tens of thousands of residents – and his investors. As a young, Christian business leader, he’s had to grapple with the tension of serving both his staff and his investors – one many executive leaders feel. Yet ultimately, for Turner his work is […]

Brian Gray
Advertising, Media & The Stories We Sell

Legendary ad man Leo Burnett observed, “Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.” Does marketing and advertising feed our hunger for more or can it contribute to the common good?Hear how a panel of marketers and public relations experts answered this question at our 2015 event “Media, Marketing & […]

Jeff Haanen
Jared Mackey: What Story Are You In? (VIDEO 3 of 6)

What Story Are You In? – Jared Mackey from Denver Institute on Vimeo.All of us at some point believe the idea that we are both writing a story and in a story. Walter Brueggermann explored this concept in his essay Counterscript.”Everybody has a script. People live their lives by a script that is often explicit […]

Brian Gray
A Christian Ethic for Social Media

In the age of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, how can the Bible guide our use of social media? Denver Institute founder Jeff Haanen shares insight in this brief video essay. As you watch ask yourself: How does your use of social media feed “The Big Me”? Does your online engagement foster a “broadcasting personality”? […]

Jeff Haanen
The Calling of Jayber Crow

“It seems to me,” David Buschart told us over one dollar beers at Old Mill, “that the idea of calling depends on the doctrine of God’s providence.” The four of us had invited David, a theologian from the seminary, to help us make sense of Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic. Of course, the book was just an excuse […]

Jeff Haanen
Filmmaking & The Power of Story

At our 2015 event “Media, Marketing & Storytelling,” a group of marketers gathered to hear from filmmaker T.C. Johnston, Executive Director of the Gratis 7 Media Group, about filmmaking and the power of story. T.C. describes the moment when his interest in filmmaking crossed God’s call on his life. On a trip through Africa with […]

Jeff Haanen
David Greusel: Architecture for Human Flourishing

In Denver, the built environment affects our quality of life every day—whether it’s traffic clogging the drive to Boulder, controversial elements of Denver International Airport’s design (which conspiracy theorists believe is home to a global shadow government) or Red Rocks Amphitheater, whose natural beauty and functional design make it one of the premiere amphitheaters in […]

Jeff Haanen
Ellen Snyder: Hope for Retirement (Video)

When Ellen Synder was 65, she and her husband retired and moved to Arizona. But the golf, long lunches, and games of bridge left her feeling empty. She returned to Colorado, wondering if God had another purpose for her retirement. In her late 70s Ellen heard God’s call to serve. Watch Ellen’s story (4:57).  Are you […]