Pastor Andrew Arndt: Church, Work, and the Redemption of All Things (Videos)

Andrew Arndt is the lead pastor of Bloom Church in Denver and on the DIFW Church Advisory Council. In partnership with the Made To Flourish Pastors Network, he recently did a series of short interviews. Below are five short videos of Pastor Arndt’s view of the biblical story, the place of work in God’s redemption […]

Women, Work & Calling (Videos)

The following videos were filmed at “Women, Work & Calling”, a DIFW event on February 26, 2014 that drew 200+ women from across Colorado (in the middle of a snow storm!). Below are each of the three segments (two presentations and one panel discussion) as well as descriptions of each of the talks. Navigating the […]

Dan Steiner
When the Paychecks Stop Coming

I have to admit something. The reality of retirement is becoming less and less of a significant goal in my future plans. It’s not that those future years are so far down the road that I can’t yet grab hold of retirement as an approaching reality. And it’s not that my retirement account just isn’t […]

David Greusel
Why Architecture Matters

Churchill was right: we shape our buildings, and thereafter they shape us. And many of us, disinterested in architectural style wars as we may be, may soon fully understand the consequences of being raised in neighbourhoods without character, without particularity, without the sacred quality of place. The same philosophies that shape our literature, music, and […]

Dr. Ray Barfield
Medicine’s Proper Role at the End of Life (3 of 3)

 (Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the third of three articles by Dr. Barfield.)In the conversation surrounding end-of-life, we need doctors who listen to who we are so that they can help us make decisions that fit our lives and world […]

Jeff Haanen
David Lopes: Facilities Manager, Artist

This interview tells the story of David Lopes, a Facilities Manager at Colorado Community Church and an artist. David shares his theological vision for both art as well as his daily work of cleaning and maintaining the facilities. Jeff: Tell me briefly who you are and where you come from. David: I’m originally from Cape Cod, […]

Dr. Ray Barfield
A New Way of Forming Doctors to Deal with the End of Life (2 of 3)

(Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the second of three articles by Dr. Barfield.)There’s a long, long line at St. Peter’s gate, and the newly dead grumble about the delay.  Suddenly there’s a commotion at the back of the line as […]

Jeff Haanen
Lincoln on Being a Lawyer

I came across this quote while reading the late Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy Continued, and it was so rich I wanted to pass it on to you: There is a vague popular belief that lawyers are necessarily dishonest. I say vague, because when we consider to what extent confidence and honors are reposed in […]

Dr. Ray Barfield
The Key to Solving Almost Every Problem about End-of-Life Care in the US (1 of 3)

[Editor’s Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the first of three articles by Dr. Barfield.]I just finished a few weeks on inpatient oncology where I diagnosed a 15 year old with leukemia after a massive brain bleed and diagnosed a 13 […]

The Church Must Scatter

By Dan KaskubarFifty years ago, or even 30 years ago, people went to church. Even people who didn’t really believe, went to church. It was the thing to do. And when someone wasn’t going to church, they would often politely oblige if they were invited by a friend.Not so any more. 75% of Americans still […]

The Dignity of Work

“What is your favorite thing, in less than three sentences, about work?” That was the question Madison Chandler, the co-founder of Purple Door Coffee in north Denver, asked 19 year-old Kaylee, one of her employees.It’s a good question for any of us, but perhaps even more important considering Kaylee’s story. Not only does Purple Door […]

Jeff Haanen
Healthcare Forum Videos

Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, M.D., M.T.S., is an attending psychiatrist on the adult inpatient service at Denver Health, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He earned a master’s degree in Medicine and Theology from Duke Divinity School and is the author of The Pocket Guide to the DSM-5(TM) […]