Brian Gray
Your Turn: Redirecting Our Focus

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business, and make a profit.” You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you […]

Brian Gray
Redirection: Charting a Different Path

What was the word every leader grew bone-weary of in 2020? “Pivot.” On March 17, I asked the staff to write down everything they needed to do their job fully from home for the next 60 days. They laughed me off as being wrongly too conservative. Turns out I was wrong. In March, we shifted all of […]

Ryan Tafilowski
Your Turn: A Cause for Celebration

When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us and we are filled with joy. […]

Faith, Science, and Vaccines: Christians Working at the Heart of the Pandemic

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How should Christians think about the vaccines developed in response to COVID-19? What was it like to work on the frontlines of science and healthcare during the height of the pandemic? Joanna Meyer talks with […]

Kristi Rathbun
How the Psalms Invite Us to See Work in a New Way

Work and worship. To the average churchgoer, these things belong to different realms, different arenas of life not meant to overlap. Compartmentalizing secular and sacred life can seem appealing, particularly when times are tough and our jobs leave us shouldering stress and anxiety. Some yearn for that spiritual escape, to enter the sanctuary and leave […]

Lydia Shoaf
Holy Worldliness

I once heard a pastor say that his parishioners would often comment on how hard it was to go to work in “Godless workplaces,” day after day. The pastor responded, “It’s not Godless, if you are there.” This pastor’s words came to mind—but I began thinking of their meaning in a different way—as I read Matthew […]

Matthew Kaemingk – Why Work Has a Place In Our Worship

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can ministry leaders help lead congregants to engage their weekly work alongside their Sunday worship? In this episode, Joanna Meyer and Brian Gray talk with Matthew Kaemingk, author of Work & Worship: Reconnecting Our […]

Making the Most of Life’s Transitions

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it look like to navigate life’s transitions well? How do we adjust to changes in our lives and our workplaces when things are difficult? In this episode, Joanna Meyer and Jeff Haanen talk […]

Kristi Rathbun
Workforce Development and the Common Good

Today’s job market bears little resemblance to the workforce of 20 years ago. Whereas employees used to remain with a single company for the duration of their careers, modern workers have embraced job hopping every few years as the new norm. While many of our grandparents were able to find steady, well-paying jobs just out […]

Ryan Tafilowski
Kingdom “Economics”: What is Stewardship?

My favorite gift last Christmas was a pack of thermal socks. It’s funny how things change. I can still remember how I felt as a child upon opening a “present” from my grandmother comprised of a sweater and socks. Ten-year-old boys are not known for their self-awareness, so it’s a good thing my sweet old […]

Leading Up: How to Influence When You’re Not in Charge

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it mean to “lead up” within an organization? How do employees in the middle of a company positively influence those above them? In this episode, Joanna Meyer talks with Brian Gray and two […]

Bethany Jenkins on Idleness, Work, and Worship

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can Christians love our work even when we hate our jobs? Is there a purpose to work beyond the daily grind? What can Paul’s letters to the church at Thessalonica teach us about faith […]