People First: An Interview with Dr. Brent Bailey

Dr. Brent Bailey has been practicing dentistry in Highlands Ranch, Colorado since 1984. He is a graduate from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and is committed both to technical excellence and personal care for his patients. He is also the founder of LookUp2Him, a ministry that helps men and women to “practice the […]

Not Quite All of Human Life…But Close

On June 30, 1944, while sitting in a Nazi prison cell, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote: “Jesus claims all of human life, in all its manifestations, for himself and for the kingdom of God.” But what do we really mean by “all” of human life? I was recently having this discussion with my friend Jared […]

The World’s Best Outreach Strategy

How are we going to reach out to our culture?It’s a common question in church world. Do we have a fall festival? Sponsor a 5k? Chili cook off? Day of service at the homeless shelter? Mission trip?The idea seems to be this: We’re here…in church. They’re out there…in culture. We need to “reach out” to […]

Denver’s 4 p.m. rush hour … to go play

Chris Horst is the vice president of development at HOPE International, where he employs his passion for advancing initiatives at the intersection of entrepreneurship and Christian faith. He recently wrote this op-ed for The Denver Post on Denver’s recreation obsession – and how to restore a proper balance between work and sabbath.  The workaholism surge […]

Integrity and Social Enterprise

Dr. David BefusThe concept of productive economic enterprise that supports mission has been effective since the Apostle Paul utilized tent making to support his ministry. There are great contemporary examples, such as the Roblealto Chicken farm, that has pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into ministries with children in Costa Rica for many decades.But the […]

Joanna Meyer
Vocation at History Colorado

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at a museum? Since its debut in 2012, History Colorado, formerly the Colorado Historical Society, has wowed visitors. It’s engaging exhibits attract crowds, but walk through the soaring atrium and down the back stairs, and you’ll discover the historical society’s heart beating amidst the sawdust […]

Alex Siemers
Contentment and Busyness

As a college student, I was pretty unique in the audience for Denver Institute for Faith and Work’s event at Denver United Church on September 25. However, it truly was a privilege to be among the 175 people who gathered to hear Eugene Peterson’s wisdom on work. As Eugene was talking, there were a couple […]

Reflections on the Eugene Peterson Vocation Event

Andrew Arndt is Lead and Teaching Pastor at Bloom Church Denver, and is on the Church Advisory Council for Denver Institute for Faith & Work.Last night, 175 folks from all over Denver came together to listen to The Pastor, Eugene Peterson, open his heart and talk with us about faith and vocation.The event, hosted by Denver United Church and sponsored […]

What the Whole World Wants

Christian Overman is Founder and Director for Worldview Matters.On the basis of Gallup’s World Poll, Jim Clifton, CEO of the company, concluded that what the whole world wants is a “good job.”But what makes a job “good?”Pay is not the most important factor. Having a job that doesn’t provide for the basics is a problem, of course, but pay alone does not […]

The Single Most Searing, Clarifying, Helpful, World-Altering Fact

Christian Overman is Founder and Director of Worldview Matters.There is a lot of data out there showing what people around the world are doing, but what the Gallup organization wanted to find out is what people are thinking. With this in mind, they created a unique World Poll and collected data from over 100 countries. Gallup is committed to conducting the […]

Jeff Haanen
What Might Your Work Give to the World?

When Hunter Beaumont worked for one of the Big Four accounting firms in Dallas, Texas, his office looked out a 55th floor window. Far below, on the other side of the city was Dallas Theological Seminary. During day, he was an accountant. But during the evening, he took seminary classes. The distance between his 55th […]

Connect Your Work to God’s Work and Great Things Happen

“When we connect our work to God’s work, great things happen in our communities.” Dr. Amy Sherman, a senior fellow at the Sagamore Institute, addressed a crowd of 120 pastors and ministry leaders at Leadership Journal’s third “Redeeming Work” event. Speaking in historic Mile High Station, a renovated steel factory, Sherman gave three clear reasons “why vocation really […]