Dustin Moody
The User Guide to Working With [Me]

It is said, “All disappointment is rooted in an unmet expectation.” But was that expectation spoken? Just assumed? Clear? Understood? Reasonable?This User Guide is an exercise in making our assumptions explicit. The purpose of this guide is to help teams, communities, and organizations accelerate the time it takes to work enjoyably and successfully together. This […]

Dustin Moody
A Journey Home: Cultivating a Theology of Place

Something seemed…off.It wasn’t so much that I was dissatisfied where I was; I had a home that I was proud of, a job that was sufficiently enjoyable and professionally challenging, and family and friends that helped to create a community that I loved. But in 2014, I found myself feeling a bit disconnected. Over the […]

Dustin Moody
Eric Most Joins the DIFW Board of Directors

Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to welcome Eric Most, president of National Christian Foundation Rocky Mountain Region, as our newest board member. We recently spoke with Eric about his background in business, his current role leading NCF, and his passion for serving with DIFW. The conversation below has been lightly edited for […]

Dustin Moody
Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs

Our first instinct to act in a trying situation is usually an anxious response, rather than a helpful one. Losing our temper, insisting on having the last word, demanding everyone’s attention, blazing forward without pausing to think, acting before hearing multiple perspectives—these are all anxious responses. Many of us are uncomfortable with silence and inaction, […]

Dustin Moody
Marcy McGovern Joins the Denver Institute Board of Directors

Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to welcome Marcy McGovern as our newest board member. We recently spoke with Marcy about her background in nonprofit leadership and financial planning, and her passion for faith and work. The conversation below has been lightly edited for length and clarity. DM: How has Denver Institute helped […]

Dustin Moody
What’s Happening in 2022

Last year, we asked our community about their challenges at work, their desire for deeper community, and the resources and experiences that would help them better integrate their faith and work. We took this feedback seriously as we began planning our programming for 2022 and considered the role that DIFW plays in helping men and […]

Dustin Moody
Abby Worland Joins Denver Institute as Vice President of Finance & Operations

Editor’s note: We recently welcomed Abby Worland to the Denver Institute team as vice president of operations and finance. Abby and I talked about her prior work, her participation in the 5280 Fellowship, and what she’s most excited about at DIFW. Our conversation below has been lightly edited for length and clarity. DM: How did […]

Dustin Moody
Generous Giving in 2021

For the past nine years, Denver Institute has been on the receiving end of generosity from people just like you–people who financially support our organization so that our mission of equipping men and women to serve God, neighbor, and society through their work can continue and grow. While we appreciate this generosity, and we hope […]

Dustin Moody
Jeff Hoffmeyer Joins Denver Institute as Vice President of Advancement

Editor’s note: I recently spoke with Jeff Hoffmeyer about his new role at Denver Institute, his background as a pastor, his excitement about fundraising, and root canals. Our conversation below has been lightly edited for length and clarity.DM: You’ve held a variety of roles during your career; tell me more about your work prior to […]

Dustin Moody
Grace Conscious Hiring

We recently talked with Justin Hein about his 5280 Fellowship Professional Project. Each year, Fellows are asked to examine one area of brokenness in their industry and create a project to address it. This year, Justin drafted a research report on fair chance hiring for individuals with a criminal background as part of his role […]

Dustin Moody
Shaping Student Character

Julia Mauro is an elementary school teacher at a Title 1 school in the Adams-12 school district, and a recent 5280 Fellowship alumna. We talked with her about the 5280 Fellowship professional project: identifying an area of brokenness in her field or industry, and developing a plan to address it. For her professional project, Julia […]

Dustin Moody
Listening Well and Looking Ahead

For the past nine years, Denver Institute has served a faithful and growing community of believers who are loving God, their neighbors, and society through their work. Even though much has changed over the past decade, our guiding principles and central questions remain the same:What does it look like to be a Christian in a […]