Jeff Haanen
How Should Christians Think About Politics? 11 Insights from Reinhold Niebuhr

It’s hard to find the right metaphor for our current political moment. Are we in an echo chamber with megaphones? Are we, like a nuclear reaction, splitting atoms and roasting all our opponents? Or perhaps we’re more like vikings on social media: we land ashore, pillage and plunder all who oppose us, and then sail […]

Bill Haslam
Public Office as a Spiritual Discipline

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on Jan. 11, 2019 in Comment, a publication of CARDUS: Read the full version in Comment.Today, many Christians on both sides of the aisle seem to have come to the conclusion that Machiavelli was right. They’ve concluded we have to choose between being faithful and being political. As […]

Jeff Haanen
Race and the Gospel

The week after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, I got on the phone to call several of my Black friends to see how they were doing. One of our alumni from the 5280 Fellowship, a Black woman working for the state of Colorado, shared her devastation. “I’m not sure how to describe how I’m […]

Fred Smith
A Permanent Enemy

Editor’s note: “A Permanent Enemy” originally appeared at The Gathering.In his documentary film, “Korengal,“ author and director Sebastian Junger recounts the stories of a platoon of American soldiers deployed to a tiny and dangerous outpost in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. The “grinding boredom gives way to bowel-emptying fear, followed sometimes by episodes of nearly psychedelic blood lust […]

Ryan Tafilowski
The Gospel for our Work

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” I still remember when I really came to believe that statement for the first time. Here was the gospel in all of its scandalous beauty: that God, despite all my wretchedness and brokenness, loved me—loved us—enough to stretch himself out […]

Joanna Meyer
What COVID-19 Lays Bare: Implications for Women’s Work

Have you seen the ad Microsoft Teams created for Mothers’ Day that shows moms juggling childcare and work-related web calls during the quarantine? Kids sword fight in the background and brush mom’s hair while these harried professionals fight to keep their composure in front of their colleagues. Maybe you can relate to this feeling of […]

Chris Horst
To Our Heroes Wearing Trucker Caps

A big rig rolled past our family bike caravan. The driver delighted our kids by laying on his air horn as we waved to him. With four kids under age ten in quarantine, we seek and savor all our outdoor moments. Our family bike rides these days make us look at the traffic all around us in a […]

Drew Yancey
Faith and Work After Covid-19: A Gelassenheit Way Forward

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared at Patheos.Gelassenheit. The word struck my soul as soon as I saw it. I was early in my PhD program in religion and theology, pouring through the history of early Anabaptism. My research focused on the relationship between Christian and business ethics and I knew I had just stumbled […]

Jeff Haanen
People of Hope

Dear friends, Can you imagine a day when Christians are publicly known for their love? Could you envision a day when even those who disagree with our doctrines look at us, our churches, our workplaces, and our public engagement, and say, “Look how they love us!” As culture secularizes and young people increasingly claim no religion at […]

Expanding Our Reach

We are proud to serve Denver and the Rocky Mountain region through our events and the 5280 Fellowship, and technology like podcasts and online courses amplify our message throughout the country and around the world. In addition to the thousands of podcast listeners and Scatter users engaging with content, DIFW carried the faith and work […]

Discipling for Change

One of the most common points of feedback we receive from our community is the desire to better understand how their faith informs their work. While all DIFW programming is built to equip believers to live out their faith in their workplace as a way to love God and serve our neighbors, our media and […]

Jeff Haanen
Culture is Changing

The Problem In the last 50 years, culture has drastically changed. As culture secularizes and young people increasingly claim no religion at all, the church is searching for a way forward. Today there are nearly 30 million more people who are “religiously unaffiliated” than just 10 years ago. The Christian Response The Christian response has […]