Jeff Haanen
Lessons Learned from the Global Workplace Forum

I recently returned from the Global Workplace Forum, a conference hosted in Manila by the Lausanne Movement. Started in 1974 by John Stott and Billy Graham, the Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization gathered people from around the world; last week, 850 leaders from 109 different countries met to discuss the next phase of the global […]

Dustin Moody
Shaping Hearts and Minds

Editor’s note: Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to explore the importance of character formation in education. In this post, we’re highlighting the unique approach to character formation at New Legacy Charter School, a school for teen parents founded by Jennifer Douglas.We expect a lot from our schools and teachers. In addition to […]

Jeff Haanen
How a Teacher, Pediatrician, App Developer and Corporate Lawyer Are Co-Laboring with Christ to Make All Things New

At “All Things New,” DIFW’s annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation, four professionals in the DIFW community shared how God is using them in their work to “make all things new” in the context of their daily work. Here are their stories:Britta Apple – High School English Teacher One area of brokenness that I encounter […]

Jeff Haanen
What Can I Really Do?

This is an excerpt from Jeff’s keynote talk at “All Things New,” DIFW’s annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation. Several weeks ago, I got a text from my wife: “This school shooting…just hurting today. K-12 Douglas County charter school 3 miles from our house. And our kids head off to another K-12 Douglas County charter […]

Brian Gray
Saving More Than Souls

Almost 15 years ago, my co-pastors and I stumbled into a theological conversation during an annual vision casting session when one of them asked us, “How would you summarize ‘the gospel’ in one word?” My word? “Forgiveness,” I offered, too confidently. The teaching pastor liked my answer. The worship pastor’s answer? “Redemption.” I looked down […]

Jeff Haanen
Exploring Common Practices for Faith and Work in Local Churches

How will the Church in the 21st century “equip the saints for works of service” (Eph. 4:12) for the vast challenges we face in the world today? This seems overwhelming at first blush. But then I remember that God’s people are touching every area of our cities through their daily work, and it’s the Church’s […]

Called Together: A Free Download from Denver Institute for Faith & Work

What unique qualities do men and women bring to the workplace?What can churches to do foster healthy dialogue about the role of work in women’s lives?How does culture shape our perceptions of gender roles, and are these perceptions aligned with scripture? In this free e-book, Joanna Meyer explores the challenges and opportunities for men and […]

Citizenship is Our Common Calling

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared in Capital Commentary, a publication of the Center for Public Justice.For many Christians, our citizenship can best be characterized by the hope that it is somebody else’s job. I am regularly told what I should do or not do to “fix our broken government,” where government is always the […]

Tim Weinhold
Artificial Intelligence and Job Loss

There is growing concern about an AI-driven future in which there aren’t enough jobs to go around. Not just a shortage of good jobs, mind you, but a shortage of jobs, period. A swelling chorus of economists, and other experts, foresee a future in which highly-skilled, well-paid jobs exist only for a shrinking minority. For […]

The Human Cost of a Government Shutdown

Editor’s note: The post below was written by a federal government employee, currently on furlough. On December 22nd, 2018, a partial government shutdown forced many “nonessential” government workers out of their jobs. Many others were required to report to work without pay. As the shutdown wears on, thousands more contractors are affected, and many are […]

From Colleague to Neighbor

“I grew up in the church and work wasn’t something that was preached,” said Adrienne Tafilowski, the Culture and Care Team Director at L&R Pallet and 5280 Fellowship alumna. “There weren’t small groups dedicated to the theme; people weren’t recommending books on the topic. It was kind of this unknown territory.”When she began working at […]

Recycler Rebuilds Lives by Breaking Down Mattresses

Editor’s note: The full version of this article first appeared on Thanks to David Rupert and the team at Patheos for allowing us to share it here!Christopher Conway is the president and founder of Spring Back Colorado, a social enterprise mattress recycling enterprise.  Since 2012, Spring Back has recycled more than 381,000 mattresses and […]