Dustin Moody
4 Things We Learned From Our “Worst Boss” Survey

Bad bosses can lead to high turnover, lack of employee morale, and office conflict. Many of us have had unfortunate experiences with bosses and leaders who failed to bring out our best and created cultures where thriving in the workplace was nearly impossible. But what makes a bad boss bad? Are their common traits we […]

Jeff Haanen
God of the Second Shift

The following is the cover story for the October 2018 print issue of Christianity Today. To access the full article, please consider subscribing to Christianity Today to support their work. Here’s an excerpt of the story. Our group was white, college-educated, and passionate about helping people find meaning in their careers. We looked at Josué “Mambo” De León, pastor of […]

Meagan Smith
More Questions Than Answers: A Fellow’s Reflections

Editor’s note: Meagan Smith was a 5280 Fellowship participant. We asked her to reflect on the Fellowship’s opening retreat and the questions that it highlighted for her. The weeks leading up to the 5280 Fellowship’s first retreat  were demanding, without much time for reflection. My main train of thought was don’t be late–and don’t miss your […]

Joanna Meyer
Called Together Part 4: Pursuing Redemptive Relationships

Editor’s note: This is the fourth and final article in our “Called Together” series. Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3! At Denver Institute for Faith & Work, we believe in a big gospel–the idea that Christ’s death and resurrection restores not only individual lives but every corner of creation […]

Getting to the Heart of Outdoor Retailing and Recreation: Videos from “God & the Great Outdoors”

Outdoor recreation is close to the hearts of many Coloradoans, but how does it shape our souls? How do Christians in outdoor retailing integrate their faith and work in a pluralistic industry?In July, Denver Institute for Faith & Work hosted a conversation that explored the social, economic, and spiritual impact of outdoor retailing and recreation. […]

A Labor Day Prayer

Editor’s note: This liturgical prayer is shared in a call-and-response format for use in church or group settings, but we think it’s an excellent resource for your individual prayer and meditation time. Thanks to our friends at The Porter’s Gate for this prayer and their Work Songs project, featured at the DIFW annual celebration in […]

Jeff Haanen
Being a Christian Teacher in Public Education

Dr. Mary Poplin, Professor of Education at Claremont Graduate University, joined Denver Institute for our forum on education in 2016. With her wisdom, we had the chance to see and hear what it means to follow Christ as a public school teacher in America today. She fluidly moved between her research on highly effective teachers […]

Dustin Moody
Book Lovers Day 2018 Staff Recommendations

What’s better than a good book? A new book recommendation that you may not have discovered yet. As a group of (somewhat nerdy) readers, we’ve assembled this list of recommendations below in honor of #bookloversday 2018.Creation & Fall, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer”If the intent of Genesis 1-3 is not to discuss how and how long creation […]

Joanna Meyer
Called Together: A Biblical Perspective on Gender Roles in the Workplace (Part 3)

Editor’s note: Through this series of articles, we’ve explored the challenges men and women face as they labor together. In this installment, Joanna invites Christian men to consider the critical role they play in helping women thrive at work. Be sure to read part 1 and part 2 of the series. Men and women work […]

Finding God in the Work of Creation

He was born in the summer of his 27th yearComing home to a place he’d never been beforeHe left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born againYou might say he found a key for every doorJohn Denver, “Rocky Mountain High” I have to confess: I am a cliche.I’m a cliche because the lyrics […]

Nathan Hoag
“Can We Climb That One?”

“Can we climb that one?” I asked my grandfather as we looked up at the undulating trees and towers of Estes Park’s Lumpy Ridge. “Let’s go take a look and find out!” he replied, and we began our trudge up the trail to the base of the monolith. This was neither our first nor our […]

Adrienne Tafilowski: My Time as a Fellow

Adrienne Tafilowski, a 5280 Fellowship alumna, recently wrote Brian Gray, the Director of the 5280 Fellowship, a thank you note for impacted that the Fellowship had her life.Adrienne works as the Care Team and Culture Director at L&R Pallet, a pallet manufacturer in northeast Denver. L&R Pallet has been recognized for hiring refugees from Myanmar. […]