Jeff Haanen
Buildings Shape Your Soul

That may be hard to believe, but I think Stratford Caldecott, in his excellent book Beauty for Truth’s Sake, has convincingly made the case that architecture is undergirded by distinct understandings of the world. And in the modern world, due primarily to materialism and utilitarianism, beauty has been mostly lost in our buildings. And with […]

Jeff Haanen
Faith in the Workplace: The Four Postures

How should I think about the role of faith in my company? How do corporations in America today handle issues surrounding spirituality in the workplace? I recently addressed these questions with David Miller who leads Princeton University’s Faith at Work Initiative and is the author of God at Work: The History and Promise of the […]

David Rupert
Finding Satisfaction at Work

I tucked the envelope under the stack of folders in my arm. It came in the company mail with my name on it. I knew what was in it—a gift certificate from headquarters to a fast-food restaurant that didn’t even have a branch within 300 miles. A weak attempt to thank me for my work. […]

Jeff Haanen
Satisfying Work in the New Jerusalem

What’s heaven like? In Isaiah 65, God promises to create new heavens and a new earth, to undo a world of suffering and renew his beloved Jerusalem. “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice […]

Jeff Haanen
The Prayer of Awareness

In the busyness of my life, who really has time to pray? Several weeks ago I sat down with my friend and spiritual mentor Barry Rowan. Though I wouldn’t say I was too busy to pray – especially not to Barry, a giant in the faith compared to me – when the conversation turned to […]

Jeff Haanen, Laura Bernero
“Expand Your Cultural Imagination”: A Christian Rap Artist on Creativity  

In early June of 2017, I invited my friend Jim Mullins of Surge Network (a faith and work organization in Phoenix) to share with other movement leaders at City Gate, an annual gathering of peers doing similar work to Denver Institute.  Jim stood up and said, “I want to begin my talk on theological imagination […]

Jessica Schroeder
Cookies at Work: The Relational Power of Hospitality in the Workplace

If you have ever seen the film Babette’s Feast, you know the power of exceptional food and wine to foster the healing of broken relationships. For those unfamiliar with the film, the narrative culminates in an extravagant meal that mediates grace to an unsuspecting group of people. As they dine on each successive course, these […]

The Education Choice Is Not One-Size-Fits-All: Four Things to Consider

We are homeschooling our girls again this year.  But that decision did not come easily.It took months of anguish to decide.  We finally chose to homeschool again for one primary reason: our global calling to missions and our desire to keep including our kids in all that entails.  Though our permanent address is now in the US, […]

Tim Barr
“It Is Good”: A 5280 Fellows Experience

I’m currently going through the nine-month 5280 Fellowship, studying the intersection of work and faith. I think a lot of people, including myself, struggle with the question of what intrinsic value our work brings to the world. As a sales professional, how I can be of value outside of just strictly driving profits to the bottom line? […]

Tim Macready
Integrating Faith Into the Way We Invest

As Chief Investment Officer of a Christian pension fund, it occurs to me frequently that 25,000 Australians have entrusted their retirement savings to us. This is a substantial responsibility. Our beneficiaries trust that we will work to the utmost of our abilities to ensure they are well-provided for so they can live a fruitful and […]

Jeff Haanen
The Miracle of the Reformers: Why Teaching Your Kids Hymns is Good for the Economy

Perhaps the songs we teach our children is one the most important legacies we can leave for posterity. This morning I sat down to breakfast with my wife and four daughters. After eggs and sausage, we listened to the classic hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.” My wife educates our […]

Jeff Haanen
Colorado Needs a Renewed Vision for Craftsmanship

Colorado needs a renewed vision for craftsmanship.Lately everybody is talking about workforce development. In September, the Biennial of the Americas featured a discussion on this topic. Careerwise Colorado continues to make headlines placing youth in apprenticeships across the state. The Denver City Council’s economic and workforce development group is hosting a series of roundtables to […]