Jeff Haanen
Local leaders ask: “For Whose Glory?”

On June 15, church and business leaders from across the region – as well as speakers from around the country – gathered at “For Whose Glory: Exploring Faithful Practice in Life, Leadership & Business.”This Denver Institute event called to mind the unique challenges and opportunities that followers of Christ face when engaging in business practice […]

Laura Bernero
Video: The Soul of Shame

You may be familiar with this uncomfortable feeling. Something has gone wrong at work. You disappointed a supervisor, didn’t execute on a project, or missed a deadline. Your face gets hot, your stomach knots, and you just want crawl under your desk and disappear.The sense of embarrassment lingers, coloring how you perceive yourself or your […]

Laura Bernero
Video: Apprenticeship in Action

Karla Nugent, chief business development officer of Denver-based Weifield Group, and CEO Seth Anderson know the business of connections – both electrical and otherwise. The executives were starting to interact with nonprofits in the Denver community as they built their philanthropy as a company several years ago. From those connections, they realized that many graduates […]

David Rupert
Dad, Stay Home and Play

I pulled the tie to my neck. It was cinched just like my dad had taught me. He called it the four-in-hand. I just called it “good.” I took another look at myself in the full-length mirror. No lint on my shoulder. Shoes polished. Hair combed back. I had been in the new position for just […]

Paloma Douglas
Not So Small

A 5280 Fellow in the 2016-2017 session, Paloma Douglas found her work in the public school system informed and encouraged by the conversations she was having with her cohort members about faith and work. This is her narrative of her role, showing the program’s impact on her personal faith and daily tasks.   I sense a […]

Brian Gray
Top Five Books to Read with Businesspeople in Your Congregation

One of the keys to preparing your people to walk with God in every area of life is understanding their day-t0-day life, especially the hours they spend at work. Don’t assume you understand the unique pressures and opportunities they face. Reading a book, or excerpts of a book, together can deepen your understanding and spark meaningful conversation. […]

Helen Young Hayes
Work Works

In 1964, Lyndon B. Johnson instituted America’s War on Poverty.  Since then, American taxpayers have spent trillions on anti-poverty programs.1 Despite vast resources dedicated to fighting poverty, the U.S. appears to be losing the battle.  Today, some 43 million Americans fall under the poverty line; an estimated 30 million Americans are underemployed or unemployed.2  Meanwhile, […]

Jessica Schroeder
Work Like A Full-Time Employee

Work as a full-time employee…whether you are one or not. This charge may sound odd to you, regardless of whether you work full- or part-time hours. If you’re working part time, this message is partly for you. Perhaps you are already working full time. You may be thinking, “How does this apply to me? I’m […]

Max Anderson
Part II: Is Silicon Valley Immoral?

This is the second half of a piece republished with permission from Find the first installment here.Is Silicon Valley Immoral?Second verse, same as the first.If you think Harvard is an immoral place you probably think Silicon Valley is too, given the preponderance of HBS alumni in positions of leadership. The valley’s self-image is the nerdy […]

Max Anderson
Part I: Is Harvard Business School Immoral?

Let’s do a morality thought experiment. Suppose you are a junior in college and just got a job as an investment banker in New York City. You’re excited because the job was hard to get and pays a lot of money. It comes with all these perks — free dinner, free car service home instead of the […]

Jeff Haanen
Collective Impact: The Missing Piece of the Faith-Work Puzzle

What will the faith and work movement look like in 2067? What are we doing today that could genuinely last for 50 years, and even reshape American culture?These are tough questions. Not only because 50 years is such a long time, but it forces us to think not only of our own organizations, but the […]

Jeff Haanen
The Wealth Creation Manifesto

What does theology have to say to business? That’s the topic of my past talk at “For Whose Glory: Exploring Faithful Practice in Life, Leadership and Business” on June 15, 2017 in Denver. It’s also the topic of a new theological statement put out by the Lausanne Movement, a Wealth Creation Manifesto. Meeting in Chiang […]