Joanna Meyer
Can You Know the World and Still Love It?

It doesn’t take much to tire of the world’s suffering. Whether it’s the domestic drama of neighbors divorcing or headlines announcing a chemical weapon attack in Syria, we witness pain across the street or across the world every day. It would be easier to keep our heads down, but something prevents us from looking away.Why […]

Steven Garber
The Ordering of Our Loves

Ordo Caritatis. Some words and ideas are worth holding onto, especially ones that take us to deeper places of the heart, that ask us harder questions of the heart — and even more, ones that offer the hope that all is not lost, and that our fragmented selves can be reordered, that we can be […]

Jeff Haanen
How Do We Change? Formation in the 5280 Fellowship

How do we change?I’m 34 years old, have four kids, and have been in the workforce for 9 years. And for me, there is no more pressing question in my life today than How do I change?In the past three years, the stress of leading a growing organization, trying to be a good father, and […]

Healing My Wounded Perception of Ambition

When it comes to our dreams, most of us fall into one of two camps. We’re either charging forward, meeting challenges as they come, despite the fear or insecurities we might feel. Or we’re crippled by those fears, always waiting on just the right moment to start, and often stalled out before our dreams come […]

Laura Bernero
The Danger of Being a ‘Doer’

A young woman stares at us looking exhausted – and yet, exhilarated. She is fueled by coffee and (we can presume) little else. Her cheeks are hollowed and her hair disheveled, implying that her body is worn out by speed and demand of her work. Her sleep-deprived state is compared to drug use. She is […]

Jeff Haanen
10 Steps Toward Becoming a Culturally-Engaged Church

We’ve made huge strides in the past several years on bringing the topic of work to church. But I’ve noticed an ongoing tension. It’s a tension between what we say about work on Sunday and what we do (or don’t do). On the one hand, talk of “faith & work” and cultural engagement have been popping […]

Jeff Haanen
The Public Good of Faith Expressed Through Work

It’s often assumed that faith is a private matter. Fine for your personal life, but less appropriate in the workplace or public life. Yet time and time again, I’ve seen that when faith becomes a public matter – and is expressed as working for the good of one’s neighbor – there are transformative results for […]

Chad Hamilton
Radicalized by Gratitude

The parable of the prodigal son has a lot to teach us.  It can profoundly impact how we view relationships, forgiveness, repentance, pride, and the nature of God’s grace.  But it should also instruct us in another way, by making us consider how we should think about money.     In Jesus’ parable, the younger son […]

Jeff Haanen
Stewards of Civilization, Servants of our Neighbors

As Christians, we are called to be mindful of our environment and greater society, especially in our day-to-day work. Learn more in this excerpt from the e-book “The Call to Commerce: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbor Through Business.”  5. Love Your Environment After an illustrious career in executive leadership at public companies like Nextel and […]

Jessica Schroeder
The Tension of Being Young in the Workplace

If you’re a young person in the workplace, you may be feeling a mix of emotions about your work. As exciting and rewarding as your job may be, you likely feel the inherent tensions that come with being the age you are.  In one sense, you’re stoked. Life has just begun…the world is your oyster…you’re […]

Laura Bernero
“Keep Your Cool. Do Your Best. Honor God.”

He recalled the mantra his father repeated to him before high school basketball games: “Keep your cool. Do your best. Honor God.” Dan Dye still exuded the tenacity of a point guard and the humility of a hard worker as he echoed those same words of advice to me and a group of 5280 Fellows. […]

Jeff Haanen
How Does Your Work Impact Those Down The Line?

Have you thought about the people affected by your work who you may never meet? Learn more in this excerpt from the e-book “The Call to Commerce: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbor Through Business.” 3. Love Your Supply Chains Months ago, I had a moving conversation with Tim Dearborn, a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary […]