Katelyn Beaty
The Why Behind the Work

The following is an excerpt from A Woman’s Place: A Christian Vision for Your Calling in the Office, the Home, and the World by Katelyn Beaty. (It’s been reprinted here with permission from the publisher.)  When people have learned I’m writing [A Woman’s Place], one common response has been, “Oh, kind of like Lean In […]

Jeff Haanen
Biblically Responsible Investing

When preparing to introduce Robin John, the CEO of Eventide Asset Management, at our recent “Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds” event, I did what most people do when preparing a speaker intro: I googled him. Several articles popped up. One reporter called him “The Believer,” noting the rather strange language on their website: “business as […]

Jeff Haanen
Broader, Not Deeper

What will allow more pastors to see the importance of work for their church and its mission? How might the faith and work movement help pastors and seminaries to embrace ministry models that equip men and women to serve Christ in the wide array of professions in our culture today? And why is this so […]

Joanna Meyer
Finding Our Place: A Review of “A Woman’s Place” by Katelyn Beaty

“In no country has such constant care been taken as in America to trace two clearly distinct lines of action for the two sexes and to make them keep pace one with the other, but in two pathways that are always different.” – Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835 French diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville’s observations of American […]

Jeff Haanen
Seven Quotes from Psychiatrist Curt Thompson on Shame

We at Denver Institute for Faith & Work had the privilege of welcoming author and psychiatrist Curt Thompson to Denver. We began with a conversation with pastors on how shame influences our brains, our vocations, and pastoral ministry; we then heard Curt speak at Colorado Community Church to 150 attendees on how to heal shame […]

Can Your Job Make You Happier?

A recent New York Times article addressed this question – Can your job make you more happy? – summarizing social science research findings into two responses.(1) More money doesn’t guarantee more happiness. Increased income that provides people more creature comforts (e.g., bigger homes, nicer cars, more gadgets) does not create measurable increases in a person’s […]

Jill Anschutz
Books (and Podcasts) Worth Cozying-up With This Fall

One thing our team at Denver Institute has in common is we all love to read. I asked each staff person to share a book (or podcast) recommendation I could pass along. So pull out the blanket your aunt crocheted for you, brew some tea, and dive into a new book that will challenge you to bear witness […]

A View from the Top: An Interview with Jeff Nikkel

There comes a point in every professional journey when questions of desire inevitably arise. Despite having accomplished much, at times we may wonder, “Is this as good as it gets?”  “Am I living the life that I really want?”  “Am I having the impact that I have always hoped?”  “Am I vibrantly alive?”   Often when we’re […]

Jeff Haanen
The Top 5 Struggles of Christian Business Leaders

Behind the veneer of confidence, bold risk-taking, and decisive leadership, all of us in positions of influence struggle – especially CEOs.  Considering these challenges tend to be perennial  for Christian business leaders, what experiences and/or resources can pastors, para-church leaders, and other business leaders provide for the executives in their network? What still needs to […]

A Strategy for Restoring Dignity to Your Work

This blog post is part of a special Labor Day series. Denver Institute uses five guiding principles to shape its work. Today’s topic is the fourth principle, “Seek deep spiritual health.” Embracing Christ’s call to “come follow me,” we value listening to the Holy Spirit, practicing the classical spiritual disciplines, confessing our sins, and submitting […]

Labor Day Series: Think Theologically

Happy Labor Day!The U.S. Department of Labor describes today as a tribute to “the creator of so much of the nation’s strength, freedom and leadership – the American worker.” Work is where culture is made as we live out our callings, serving our neighbors and our God.In honor of Labor Day, this week we’re reflecting […]

Jill Anschutz
What’s All This Talk About Shame?

When I first heard that we were bringing psychiatrist Curt Thompson to Denver for an event about shame, I’ll admit I struggled to understand the relevance to our work at Denver Institute. But the more I’ve read on the topic in the last few weeks, the more I’m convinced of the importance of understanding what […]