Brian Gray
2022 Fellows Professional Projects Highlight

In May of this year, we graduated our sixth class of 5280 Fellows. Each spring of the Fellowship, we design, execute, and debrief our peers on a Professional Project. This project embodies the Fellowship theory of how people grow and impact others from the “inside out” — first through personal, then interpersonal, then organizational transformation. […]

Dustin Moody
The User Guide to Working With [Me]

It is said, “All disappointment is rooted in an unmet expectation.” But was that expectation spoken? Just assumed? Clear? Understood? Reasonable?This User Guide is an exercise in making our assumptions explicit. The purpose of this guide is to help teams, communities, and organizations accelerate the time it takes to work enjoyably and successfully together. This […]

Hilary Masell Oswald
Seeking the Common Good in a Small Place

Matt Allen used to be a Denverite and a dentist. Today, he and his family live in Salida, Colorado — population about 5,700 — and where he’s the CEO of a healthcare tech startup.But that’s not quite the whole story.Matt — a former 5280 Fellow who can still extract your aching tooth if you need […]

From the CEO: A Vision of Hope

Dear Friends,As we look back on 2021, God was faithfully at work growing the impact and influence of Denver Institute for Faith & Work (DIFW). The 5280 Fellowship continued to grow as we partnered with Blaine Lay in Richmond, Virginia to launch our third fellowship site through CityGate. We had more than 850 women from 25 […]

Amy Sherman
Money Talks: The Witness of Our Investments Says Much About Our Faith

Back in 1532 the Christian scholar Erasmus wrote of “the talking power of money” as it relates to politics. His idiom remains true in today’s political realm, but it’s equally relevant to religion. How we use money speaks volumes about what we love, fear, worship, trust, and believe. Jesus taught that our investments reveal our […]

Hannah Echols-Grieser
Reigniting Awe: A 5280 Fellow Inspires Artists and Scientists Through Collaboration

As a teenager, Chloe Johnson aspired to study and work as a visual artist. Today, she has a doctorate in metallurgical and materials engineering and works as a metallurgist for ELEMENTUM 3D. Though her day job may seem like a switch from her earlier dreams, she’s found that the art and science world have a […]

Dustin Moody
A Journey Home: Cultivating a Theology of Place

Something seemed…off.It wasn’t so much that I was dissatisfied where I was; I had a home that I was proud of, a job that was sufficiently enjoyable and professionally challenging, and family and friends that helped to create a community that I loved. But in 2014, I found myself feeling a bit disconnected. Over the […]

Joanna Meyer
How Overpriced Leggings Invite Us to Think Differently About Women’s Empowerment

When did we confuse being empowered with being able to afford expensive leggings? I pondered this question standing outside a women’s activewear store at Park Meadows Mall in suburban Denver. Behind a spotless plate glass window, the store displayed its “Power of She” campaign, an effort that “ignites a community of active, healthy, confident women […]

Hilary Masell Oswald
CityGate Fellowships Expand to Richmond

The inquiries all had a familiar ring: A faith-and-work leader in another city would catch wind of Denver Institute’s 5280 Fellowship—a nine-month program that equips emerging Christians leaders in the Mile High City to serve God, neighbor, and society through their work—and call program director Brian Gray. “They’d say, ‘Would you help us start a […]

Dustin Moody
Eric Most Joins the DIFW Board of Directors

Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to welcome Eric Most, president of National Christian Foundation Rocky Mountain Region, as our newest board member. We recently spoke with Eric about his background in business, his current role leading NCF, and his passion for serving with DIFW. The conversation below has been lightly edited for […]

Jeff Hoffmeyer
“He Descended Into Hell”: How Holy Saturday Shapes Our Work

A few years ago I went to the Columbine Memorial with some high school students from a church where I was a pastor. Our group was serving at a church in Littleton, along with a much larger group of junior high students from another church. Our smaller group of students got to the memorial first […]

Jeff Haanen
Reform Retirement, Redeem Investing

In Al Wolters’ book Creation Regained, he makes the point that Christians are reformers, not revolutionaries. A revolutionary wants to wipe the slate clean and start over, but a reformer seeks to restore something that’s been tarnished, acknowledging that it was once good. “Humankind, which has botched its original mandate and the whole creation along with it, is […]