Elizabeth Moyer
Is Shame Thwarting Your Calling?

The teacher called my name and I felt my face ignite. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I knew immediately that I resembled a tomato. I quickly answered the question and tried to wish away my blushing cheeks, which was fruitless after a classmate whispered, “Why are your cheeks so red?” This was a far […]

Drew Yancey
Entrepreneurship in the Kingdom of God

Perhaps some of you have a similar story, but the most difficult circumstance of my life thus far — spiritually, emotionally, and in fact financially — has come through the failure of a start-up in which I was an investor. I will spare you a detailed account of the saga (or rather, I will spare […]

Jeff Haanen
More than Skin Deep Healing

Several weeks ago, I put on my arms what I thought was lotion. Apparently it was some kind of demonic soap that made my arms break out in a rash. As I looked at my arms, not only did they feel itchy, but I felt embarrassed. I didn’t want anybody to see my skin, and […]

This Labor Day, Let’s Celebrate the Dignity of Work

The History of Labor DayLabor Day came about during a tumultuous time in American history. According to sociologist Jonathan Cutler, in the late 1800s, workers clashed (sometimes violently) with “Big Business” interests in the midst of a “drive to undermine wages and living standards.” In response labor organizers created ways for the American worker to […]

A Better Starting Point for the Faith and Work Movement (Part 2)

In my last post, I mulled over all the times I buzzed around the topic of faith and work with pastors, only to bump into the screen door of misunderstanding time and time again. Sometimes I felt like a fly; other times like a mime trying to get my message across with frantic hand gestures.Either […]

Are You Wasting Your Life in a Retail Job?

When was the last time you saw a late night commercial touting the benefits of a rewarding career in retail? “You too can work with rude customers in exchange for poor pay and limited opportunities for advancement!” Not recently? Me neither.While retail is America’s most common profession, it is also one of the most disliked. […]

A Better Starting Point for the Faith and Work Movement (Part 1)

One of my continual shortcomings as the executive director of Denver Institute for Faith & Work is that I’ve rarely framed our mission so we’re clearly understood – especially by pastors.More than once, my initial enthusiasm for all things “faith and work” is seen by good, godly pastoral leaders as a niche-y ministry that will likely […]

Productivity: 6 Tips for Getting (the Right) Stuff Done

There might be nothing so frustrating as working for an entire day, feeling exhausted when the day’s done – and getting nothing done.How is this possible? More than once, when scanning back through my day I’ve felt bewildered. I’m tired so I must have been productive, right? A phone call, a quick drop-in meeting, a […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 2)

Five Principles for Deep Rest Years ago, I spent a year living in Zaragoza, Spain, a vibrant city between Barcelona and Madrid. One of highlights of that year was adopting a more European way of life — trading comfy American sneakers for more fashionable dress shoes and developing an addiction to manchego cheese that remains […]

David Rupert
Finding Purpose

When I was in college, I remember having a conversation with a few friends about one of our classmates who was 30 at the time. We called him “the old man.”As young men, we talked about aging in dire terms, framing it in the context of our parents and grandparents. We decided that the 40th […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 1)

Discover God’s Life-Giving FreedomWho among us hasn’t dreamt of getting away from it all? On steamy summer afternoons I long to escape my overly-air-conditioned office to relax on a sunny beach or hike a mountain trail. I crave for the unhurried pace and deep relaxation portrayed in travel magazines, but have learned that few vacations […]

Grant Stone
Investing with a Kingdom Focus

I have been interested in the stock market for as long as I can remember. A few years back, I had the opportunity to join a company that analyzed, consolidated, and synergized investment data. I quickly became aware that the world of investments was far more complicated than I had previously thought. I began to […]