David Rupert
Finding Purpose

When I was in college, I remember having a conversation with a few friends about one of our classmates who was 30 at the time. We called him “the old man.”As young men, we talked about aging in dire terms, framing it in the context of our parents and grandparents. We decided that the 40th […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 1)

Discover God’s Life-Giving FreedomWho among us hasn’t dreamt of getting away from it all? On steamy summer afternoons I long to escape my overly-air-conditioned office to relax on a sunny beach or hike a mountain trail. I crave for the unhurried pace and deep relaxation portrayed in travel magazines, but have learned that few vacations […]

Grant Stone
Investing with a Kingdom Focus

I have been interested in the stock market for as long as I can remember. A few years back, I had the opportunity to join a company that analyzed, consolidated, and synergized investment data. I quickly became aware that the world of investments was far more complicated than I had previously thought. I began to […]

Jeff Haanen
New Videos: Medicine Reimagined

Denver Institute for Faith & Work hosted a two-day conference about the major issues in health care today from the perspective of Christian faith. “Reimagining Medicine” brought together leading voices on health care, theology, and culture with practitioners – nurses, hospital administrators, and doctors – from across the Front Range.Whether or not you work in […]

Amy Hanson
Amy Hanson on “Baby Boomers and Beyond”

Amy Hanson, nationally-known speaker and author of the book Baby Boomers and Beyond: Tapping the Ministry Talents and Passions of Adults over 50. joined us as a keynote speaker in a past event. In this excerpt from her book, Hanson explains the potential impact Baby Boomers could have in their later years.For nearly a century, there […]

Chris Horst
Christianity Today: “Showing Hospitality to Strangers and Spring Breakers”

Christianity Today’s new series “The Work of Our Hands” continues with a piece by Denver Institute board member Chris Horst. Chris tells the story of fellow Denverite Dave Collins. Once homeless, Dave is now an enthusiastic employee at a downtown hotel. “I wake up pumped that I get to go to work. It’s a perfect fit for […]

David Hyams
From Big Law to (Very) Small Law

One Lawyer’s Journey from Practicing in Armani Suits in a High Rise Tower to Sweatpants in His Bedroom (or, from Billing Machine to Whole-Hearted Solopreneuer) June 1, 2014. That’s when I decided. I was walking the 1.2 miles home at 3:00 in the morning from the train station (my connector bus ran its final route […]

Brian Gray, Dan Reed
Generosity Raising

At Denver Institute for Faith & Work, we want to see people creating good work, serving others sacrificially, and thinking theologically about their work. And we enjoy the stories of people who do so.Dan Reed is a friend who lives out of a thoughtful understanding of calling applied to his work in fundraising. Over lunch, […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy: Top 7 Challenges Facing Denver Today

In the past two blog posts on Denver’s economic history and thriving economy today, things look promising. New businesses, new residents, and new buildings all point to a thriving city.But your perspective on the economy often depends on where you’re sitting. Here are, in my view, the top seven challenges facing Denver today. Greatest Challenges […]

Advice for new graduates

This column was first published in the Colorado Springs Gazette, May 25, 2016.If you’re like me, graduation was a time for thinking expansively about the meaning of work and how to make my mark professionally.I felt a lot of pressure to do work that was meaningful.As a Christian, I believed at that time that the […]

David Rupert
Employment, faith keys to keeping prisoners from reentering the system

Last weekend I worked in the yard, cutting trees and turning over soil. I bagged leaves, weary from the winter decay. At the end of the day, I lined the bags along the curb and dragged my body into the shower, washing away the earthy soil that were marks of my labor. Finally, I sat […]

Time For a New Narrative About Business and Philanthropy

A generation ago, the nonprofit community was the main place to find people focused on transforming the world for the better. It used to be that if you wanted to make money you’d start a business and if you wanted to make a dent in global poverty, transform a local community, or care for widows […]