Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy

With over 100,000 new Colorado residents in 2016, Denver is booming. Cranes dot the skyline, buildings are popping up across the city (especially around Union Station), and Denver is quickly becoming one of the most attractive places to live in the United States.My last post focused on Denver’s economic history. Here, I’ll give a very […]

Brian Gray
Don’t Buy A One-Way Ticket to Canada Yet

True confession: It’s only May, and I’m already tired of election season. Don’t get me wrong, I worry about the societal effects shifting the balance of the Supreme Court would have and cringe at the thought of releasing Donald Trump, a leader with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, on the world stage. I haven’t booked […]

A Prayer for Before Work

My Heavenly Father, as I enter this work place, I bring Your presence with me. I speak Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your perfect order into this office. I acknowledge Your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls. Lord, I thank you for the gifts you […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy: A Five Minute History

Recently a friend, Pastor Trevor Lee, asked me to speak on Denver’s changing economy and what it means for the church. After saying yes, I realized that despite living in Denver for over a decade, I knew precious little about it. So I researched the history, current economy, and future challenges facing Denver. If you’re […]

Chad Hamilton
How Should Christians Think About Investing?

Traditionally, most people have invested purely in search of profits. If you wanted to make a difference in the community, you would do that through your gifting.This resulted in a compartmentalized approach which essentially divided financial intentions into two buckets — one for investing and one for charitable giving. This approach means you are seeking to […]

Confessions of a Culture Warrior

As a young Christian, I was against so much.Against drunkenness. Against lust. Against abortion. Against “the gays.” And at that time, against democrats, evolutionist professors, and the Los Angeles Raiders.A mix of ordered and disordered passions, perhaps. Though I still maintain the inherent evil of the now Oakland Raiders, I’d like to have a theologically […]

The Tragedy of “Hump Day News”

I had to go to the DMV last week to register my car.* The clerk who helped me with the paperwork was friendly and efficient. As she reviewed my papers and typed in all kinds of data, my eyes wandered around her desk. I noticed an office newsletter stuffed in a paper sorter with a masthead that […]

Christianity Today Debuts “The Work of our Hands”

 Jeff Haanen, Denver Institute’s past executive director, and Chris Horst, a board member and VP of development for HOPE International, are the writers behind “The Work of Our Hands,” a new column at editors describe the column this way: “The series will spotlight Christians bringing truth, goodness, and beauty to their workplaces and sectors of influence. […]

Jeff Haanen
An Interview with Bill Kurtz, CEO of DSST Public Schools

A decade ago, with a 55 percent dropout rate, Denver Public Schools had become a “dropout epicenter.” But where most saw a hopeless situation, Bill Kurtz saw opportunity. Since founding Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST) in 2003, the growing network of schools has produced stunning results: Average ACT scores rose to 24.6 (the […]

A Case for Friendship in Business

Would you hire Aristotle as your director of strategic partnerships? I would, and I’m going to show you why you should, too.Aristotle on FriendshipFriendship, to Aristotle, was both the flower of ethics and the root of political society. That is to say, the goal of becoming a virtuous person is to become a good friend. […]

Better Questions

As part of a recent Denver Institute event, I interviewed Rich about the tensions he experiences between his Christian faith and his job as a commercial real estate appraiser. Here’s how the conversation started out…BG: Tell us what your work looks like on any given day.Rich: I provide an opinion of value on commercial properties […]

David Rupert
The Joy of Healing: Physician Finds His First Calling

Medicine is at a critical juncture in society. Rising costs and increased demands are spurring efficiencies. Entire industries exist solely to streamline health care, borrowing techniques from modern productivity models. Data has replaced the doctor and one Denver physician is sick of it.Dr. Abraham Nussbaum just released The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician’s […]