It’s Time to Honor the Hard Work of Raising Children

By Andrea Palpant Dille A male friend of mine recently struck up a conversation with me about work and gender. “This might sound sexist,” he said, standing in the church sanctuary, “but I just can’t do what my wife does at home. I think it would destroy my sense of dignity.” I shifted my weight, […]

Jill Anschutz
We All Want Purpose in Our Work

This is the second post in a three-part series about the 5280 Fellowship, a new program for emerging leaders created by Denver Institute for Faith & Work.Spend any time in Denver’s urban core and one thing becomes apparent: Denver is a young town. Whether you’re shopping for snowshoes at REI, sipping coffee on South Broadway, […]

The Work of the Pastor

By Trevor Lee If all work is profoundly valuable, what’s the point of being a pastor? I didn’t have a good answer for that question. I had been on a multiyear journey discovering the importance of all work — that generative work is an important part of what it means to bear the image of God […]

Joanna Meyer
A Thoughtful Approach to Year-End Giving

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, my mailbox overflowed with Christmas cards, circulars for holiday sales, and letters from nonprofits and ministries encouraging year-end giving. At times, it felt like the solicitation letters outnumbered Christmas greetings from friends! Maybe you’ve experienced a similar phenomenon. The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for High Impact Philanthropy reports […]

Driving Back the Cloud of Fear: A Christmas Meditation

If there is anything we Americans hold in common this Christmas, it is fear.I felt it creeping up my neck four weeks ago when my dad called me on the way to work. “Did you hear about San Bernardino?” I confessed I was behind on the news. “The Islamic State is here.”  That same day […]

Jeff Haanen
Corporate Tithing: An Interview with Jack Kim

Jack Kim has different dreams than the rest of us. I first met Jack at Colorado Community Church when we started talking after a service. Soon after, he started sharing a vision: “You know what I’d do with $20 million? Build an institute for men — to have fellowship, to grow, to live in the Kingdom.” […]

Jeff Haanen
What Greg Thompson Can Teach Us About Living as Christians in Cities

Occasionally you meet somebody that shines with such virtue that you are, perhaps for the first time, made aware of your own poverty of spirit.When I met Greg Thompson during our Thriving Cities symposium in late October, I almost immediately felt the weight of his glory. Before speaking to the crowd, he almost desperately asked […]

Jeff Haanen
Stories of Hope: A Reason to Be Generous

Today is Colorado Gives Day, Colorado’s biggest one-day event to give to your favorite nonprofit. As I take a look at the past year, I can see all kinds of reasons to give to Denver Institute for Faith & Work. (But hey, since I’m the executive director, I’m biased!) Perhaps one of the best reasons to […]

Interview with Jack Franicevich

JH: What brought you to Denver? JF: My plan since high school has been to study business and the liberal arts before going to seminary to focus on biblical and theological studies. Denver Seminary values rigorous study, evangelical commitments, and character development, and offers a lot of opportunity for academic specialization and interaction with professors. […]

Biblical Business — Engine of Blessing

By Tim WeinholdIf you are a business person, let me suggest an addition to your list of most significant Bible passages — Deuteronomy 8:17-18. The passage occurs in the midst of Moses’ farewell address to the children of Israel. At the time, they were camped beside the Jordan River, finally ready to enter the “promised […]

Consumerism: What Do People Really Want?

Perhaps the best response to wealth disparity in America today can be summarized in two words: Karla Nugent. Karla is the Chief Business Development Officer at Weifield Group Electrical Contracting in Denver. In 2014, she won the Denver Business Journal’s 2014 Corporate Citizen of the year award. Why? Denver’s economy is booming, and as the […]

Should Christians Be the Best Workers?

By Steve GravesTrue or false: Christians ought to be the highest performing workers in the marketplace.It sure sounds right. It feels like it should be true. Bible verses like “Work for the Lord and not for men” and the things your mother used to tell you (“I don’t care about the grade; I care whether […]