A Gift to the World

Several weeks ago, I sat down to share about the DIFW vision with a prospective donor. As I began to explain our mission, I could tell there was a mental obstacle.“So, you can’t evangelize in schools or business or the government,” he said. “So what it is exactly you’re trying to accomplish?”Before I could reply, […]

Steven Strott
Intergenerational Friendship

  Take a second and picture some of your closest friends. Now think of people who have served as your most influential mentors. I’d be willing to bet that with few exceptions, the same faces didn’t appear as both “friends” and “mentors.” In all likelihood, most of your friends shared experiences with you in the […]

Business as a Holy Calling?

By Tim DearbornOne Sunday, our church was commissioning its youth group to go to Tijuana to build houses. Professional carpenters and an owner of a construction company were commissioned with them. It occurred to me, “Why were we commissioning them for this volunteer ministry, but we’ve never thought of commissioning members in the construction business […]

Obsessed With Work or Just Bored? Bringing the Conversation About Work Across Acoma Street

It’s well past 1 p.m. From my desk I look across Acoma Street and see a woman in her early 20s wearing baggy sweat pants, a cigarette hanging out her mouth, tossing an empty Mountain Dew bottle in a dumpster that’s been parked in her driveway for months. She squints at the sun, as if it’s an unwelcome […]

Spiritual Formation at Work

By Susie GradeThere is so much written in the ancient scriptures about our work! Paul of Tarsus said:”Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your work in the Lord is not in vain.” (I Corinthians 15:58)I used to think that my “work in the Lord” was just my […]

How to Love Your Neighbor? Create Good Jobs

The following videos were filmed at “Creating Good Jobs for Our Community,” a DIFW event on  September 10, 2015, that drew business people from across the region. There are two videos — a keynote presentation by Julius Walls and a panel discussion moderated by Joanna Meyer that adds local voices to the conversation. Keynote Address […]

The Missional Vocation of the Church

The Scriptures teach that in Jesus Christ, God is taking his sin-marred creation and redemptively restoring it in every part, until at last all things are made new. This is the missio Dei, the redemptive mission of God to the world. But how does God extend these redemptive purposes? How does He accomplish this mission? […]

God’s Sabbath Confronts Our Success

By Ryan Farrell By the end of the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and demanding long and brutal workweeks from working class adults and children alike. Then Henry Ford came along and concluded that something had to be done. So he instituted a 40-hour workweek for all of his factories — and […]

Work is the New Sex (Part 2)

By Skye JethaniOur culture is not very good with boundaries. We frequently confuse license with liberty; we think that freedom requires the absence of any restriction. This is certainly true in our cultural attitude about sex; Previous generations passed laws regulating acceptable sexual behavior, defining marriage, limiting appropriate dress for women and men, or restricting […]

Religious Intolerance is Bad for Business

By Jeff Haanen and Chris HorstDenver is on the rise. Construction cranes line the streets around Union Station. New residents arrive faster than we can house them. But as Denver surges, will our city be a place where religious people are permitted to live and work? Given the recent news, it’s a fair question to ask.Last […]

7 Suggestions for Hiring Employees with Challenging Backgrounds

This is the final post in a three-part series about the power of business to transform the lives of the poor. Read the first and second posts here. This series is related to “Creating Good Jobs for Our Community” — a past business forum.When Veronica* stopped working the streets, she never imagined it would be so hard […]

Work is the New Sex

By Skye JethaniThe culture is obsessed with it and the church doesn’t talk about it. “Why do we work so hard?” The question is asked by a man standing before a pool and manicured lawn. “Other countries, they work, they stroll home, they stop by the cafe, they take August off. Off. Why aren’t you like […]