Dr. Ray Barfield
The Key to Solving Almost Every Problem about End-of-Life Care in the US (1 of 3)

[Editor’s Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the first of three articles by Dr. Barfield.]I just finished a few weeks on inpatient oncology where I diagnosed a 15 year old with leukemia after a massive brain bleed and diagnosed a 13 […]

The Church Must Scatter

By Dan KaskubarFifty years ago, or even 30 years ago, people went to church. Even people who didn’t really believe, went to church. It was the thing to do. And when someone wasn’t going to church, they would often politely oblige if they were invited by a friend.Not so any more. 75% of Americans still […]

The Dignity of Work

“What is your favorite thing, in less than three sentences, about work?” That was the question Madison Chandler, the co-founder of Purple Door Coffee in north Denver, asked 19 year-old Kaylee, one of her employees.It’s a good question for any of us, but perhaps even more important considering Kaylee’s story. Not only does Purple Door […]

Jeff Haanen
Healthcare Forum Videos

Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, M.D., M.T.S., is an attending psychiatrist on the adult inpatient service at Denver Health, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He earned a master’s degree in Medicine and Theology from Duke Divinity School and is the author of The Pocket Guide to the DSM-5(TM) […]

Servant & Witness: John Stott and the DIFW Mission

Several weeks ago I sat down to coffee with my friend Dr. Bill Wright. “It helps to define exactly what the problem is,” he said to me as we discussed his work at the Colorado Trust. “From there, you can more clearly see potential solutions.” In his work at the Colorado Trust, they have a […]

Dan Kaskubar
Parable of the Talents Part 2: Preparing for His Return

We value leisure. In our culture, work is seen as something that’s hard, and should be avoided if possible. Especially if it’s not work you love. For Aristotle the goal was, in fact, to avoid work that’s “base,” hard, or with one’s hands. Aristotle believed the goal for anyone should be to participate in the […]

Dan Kaskubar
Parable of the Talents Part 1: God’s Capital Investment

In Matthew 25.14-30, Jesus tells a story of a rich master who entrusts his wealth to three servants while he goes away on a long journey. While he is gone, two of the servants double the value of what they’ve received. The third servant buries the wealth he’s entrusted with, and earns no return on […]

Dr. Matthew Mahlberg
More Than Molecules in Motion

Last week I attended Denver Institute’s healthcare forum. As a physician (dermatologist) I appreciated the three topics for the evening, all of which often gnaw at the heart of healthcare providers:  (1) the state of the physician’s vocation; (2) justice and health equity, and (3) how we speak about death. Although seemingly disparate topics, a […]

An Interview with D’Lea Martens

D’Lea Martens is Principal and Founding Partner at Tango Strategy, which she started in 2006 to help clients solve tough branding challenges and take advantage of emerging brand/marketing opportunities. She also co-leads a Business Vocation Group through Denver Institute for Faith & Work. Recently, DIFW intern Alex Siemers sat down with D’Lea to talk about […]

10 Steps Toward Becoming a Culturally-Engaged Church

 We’ve made huge strides in the past several years on bringing the topic of work to church. But I’ve noticed an ongoing tension. It’s a tension between what we say about work on Sunday and what we do (or don’t do).On the one hand, talk of “faith & work” and cultural engagement have been popping up […]

Video Release: Eugene Peterson on Vocation

On New Years Eve, 1868, Andrew Carnegie sat alone in his room in the St. Nicholas Hotel in New York. Only 33 years old, he had already been successful beyond his wildest dreams. That year he made $56,110 and had accumulated $400,000 in assets. But his heart was restless. New Years Eve was a time […]

2014 Highlight Video

As I look back at 2014, I’m filled with gratitude. We saw God move among us in amazing ways. In our first full year, we:Welcomed 681 attendees to 6 public eventsIncreased from 5 to 9 vocation groups, and 1 to 16 vocation group leadersHired our first 2 staff membersHad 13 churches co-sponsor events, and 9 […]