Reflections on the Eugene Peterson Vocation Event

Andrew Arndt is Lead and Teaching Pastor at Bloom Church Denver, and is on the Church Advisory Council for Denver Institute for Faith & Work.Last night, 175 folks from all over Denver came together to listen to The Pastor, Eugene Peterson, open his heart and talk with us about faith and vocation.The event, hosted by Denver United Church and sponsored […]

What the Whole World Wants

Christian Overman is Founder and Director for Worldview Matters.On the basis of Gallup’s World Poll, Jim Clifton, CEO of the company, concluded that what the whole world wants is a “good job.”But what makes a job “good?”Pay is not the most important factor. Having a job that doesn’t provide for the basics is a problem, of course, but pay alone does not […]

The Single Most Searing, Clarifying, Helpful, World-Altering Fact

Christian Overman is Founder and Director of Worldview Matters.There is a lot of data out there showing what people around the world are doing, but what the Gallup organization wanted to find out is what people are thinking. With this in mind, they created a unique World Poll and collected data from over 100 countries. Gallup is committed to conducting the […]

Jeff Haanen
What Might Your Work Give to the World?

When Hunter Beaumont worked for one of the Big Four accounting firms in Dallas, Texas, his office looked out a 55th floor window. Far below, on the other side of the city was Dallas Theological Seminary. During day, he was an accountant. But during the evening, he took seminary classes. The distance between his 55th […]

Connect Your Work to God’s Work and Great Things Happen

“When we connect our work to God’s work, great things happen in our communities.” Dr. Amy Sherman, a senior fellow at the Sagamore Institute, addressed a crowd of 120 pastors and ministry leaders at Leadership Journal’s third “Redeeming Work” event. Speaking in historic Mile High Station, a renovated steel factory, Sherman gave three clear reasons “why vocation really […]

The World was Waiting for You

“The world was waiting for image-bearers.” Andy Crouch, the Executive Editor of Christianity Today, addressed a crowd of 120 Denver pastors and leaders atLeadership Journal’s third “Redeeming Work” event. “Work,” says Crouch, “is a category of culture. And we lead a Christian community that has a very dysfunctional view of culture. Crouch shares a full-page newspaper ad on the […]

Brian Gray
Questions for Christian Engineers, Architects, Designers and Urban Planners

Well, I don’t rule the world. But if I did (and it’s good I don’t!), I’d have all the world’s Christian engineers, architects, designers, and urban planners meet together in communities and ask these questions: A Theology of Place: How does the Christian story (removal from Eden, wandering & sojourners, new Jerusalem, etc) influence our […]

Teaching Vocation at Trailhead Church

By Trevor LeeThis year Trailhead had the opportunity to participate in a Vocation Infusion Learning Community. It was an amazing experience and is shaping the way we think about discipleship and a number of practices we’re implementing. Trailhead is committed to being low program, so our goal as much as possible is to work at infusing ideas and […]

How To Get Unstuck From a Mid-Career Plateau

 It’s not uncommon for many of us to come out college, full of ideals and ready to change the world. What is uncommon, however, is to see that kind of idealism as a mid-level manager well into his mid 50s.Often I meet people who are kind, able, and competent, yet they’ve been stuck in the […]

Laura Bernero
Watch: Social Entrepreneurship Panel

Panelists Joy Anderson (Criterion Institute), Rich Hoops (Impact Charitable), Neil Bellefuille (The Paradigm Project), and Jim Reiner (Belay Industries), take questions from the audience during the recent Social Entrepreneurship Forum. Questions discussed:What do the world’s best social entrepreneurs do?How does social entrepreneurship differ domestically and internationally?What is the greatest global social need that is not […]

Brian Gray
Watch: Lessons Learned Leading the Paradigm Project

Neil Bellefuille founded The Paradigm Project, a social venture company that invests profit-seeking and philanthropic capital to create sustainable and scalable business models that deliver social, economic and environmental value within developing world communities. During the recent Social Entrepreneurship Forum, Neil explored: The differences between nonprofit and for profit funding and business models Using last-mile supply chains […]

Joanna Meyer
Watch: What I’ve Learned As An Impact Investor

Impact Investor Rich Hoops joined June’s Social Entrepreneurship Forum to share insight gained as Chairman of the Board at Impact Hub Boulder and a member of Social Venture Partners (Boulder.) Rich discussed: Transitioning from the corporate world to life as a social entrepreneur The challenges and rewards of international investment Managing risk in social investments […]