Jeff Haanen
What’s the Purpose of Business?

Dorothy Sayers can sure pack a punch.  After the second world war, in a reflection on how to rebuild the economy she wrote:“But what are we to say about a civilization which employs so many of its workers in doing work which has no worth at all, work which no living man with a soul […]

Jeff Haanen
Do You Have a Job or a Profession?

The difference between the two isn’t about white collar versus blue collar, salary versus hourly wages, or masters degree versus high school diploma. It isn’t even necessarily about enjoying your work. The key is a commitment to the moral purpose of our work – doing our work the way it ought to be done. We […]

Bob Cutillo
Living Well in the Face of Death

When people of faith are faced with life and death decisions, does what they believe make a difference? One would like to think so. Yet a 2009 study of patients with advanced metastatic cancer in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests otherwise. Christians at the end of life seemed as a fearful of […]

Jeff Haanen
What Can the Bible Contribute to Our Understanding of Technology?

John Dyer joined DIFW for the Faith & Technology Forum in 2013. Ahead of the event, I did a brief Skype interview with John on his book From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology.Even though I struggled to get the Skype recorder working (I apologize for the slow frame speed), […]

David Hyams
Exposing the Idol of “Tough Guy” Lawyering

Whether from law school, pop culture, or the actual practice, we learn that lawyers are tough, confident, and strong. We are “sharks,” the “hired guns” who will destroy the adversary, get the deal done, make stuff happen. With one dial of the phone, click of the mouse, or swipe on a screen, we can assert […]

Chris Horst
“I Wish My Work Mattered”

“I just wish I did work that mattered as much as your work does.” I was wrapping up lunch with a new friend when he dropped this line. His comment didn’t catch me off-guard. Frankly, it didn’t surprise me at all. I hear this comment—and close iterations of it—a lot. And I’m really tired of […]

Jeff Haanen
10 Questions We Should Ask About Technology (Pt 2)

What are the stories we tell about technology and even, What is technology?Here’s a few more questions to consider:5.      What is the value-system embedded in particular kinds of technology? Twitter conditions us to consume small bits of information – the quick soundbite reigns. Microwaves – and the inglorious TV dinner – gives us the ability […]

Jeff Haanen
10 Questions We Should Ask About Technology (Pt. 1)

Yellow light. It’s a faithful way to start thinking about technology.  Whereas a green light would tell us to “go” and adopt any and every new tool and device the market offers, and a red light would mean rejecting new technologies outright as evil or at least corrupting to the way “things should be,” a […]

Illumination at Laity Lodge

By Patton Dodd Last spring, I attended a gathering at Laity Lodge, a retreat center nestled into the Frio River-bottomed canyon in the Hill Country of Texas. The retreat’s intent was to gather workers from various fields—academia, journalism, the arts, and “business,” though of course it’s all business—to discuss the intersection of faith and work. […]

Jill Anschutz
Gourmet Chocolates, the Craft of Media, and a Dramatic Need

I got my first job when I was 14 selling gourmet chocolates in a small neighborhood candy shop. Hustling truffles and Jordan Almonds for $4.50 an hour was surprisingly fulfilling. Yet even as a teenager working a few hours a week after school I had questions that I now know relate to the integration of […]

Doug Smith
Laying a Foundation as an Expert Builder

I have worked in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) business for the past 45 years.  I’ve gone from field engineer to Chief Executive of companies and an executive officer in a publicly traded company.  Throughout my career I’ve tried to integrate my faith into everything I do whether at work, at home, at church […]

Bob Cutillo
Healing the Divide in Medicine

I have been a physician practicing medicine for over 30 years, and if I can be honest, I am uncomfortable with the direction of my profession. I was once told that the secret of patient care is caring for the patient. But so many forces align themselves against seeing the patient as a person whole […]