Jeff Haanen
Why here? Why now? Part II

To summarize the last blog post, at the outset of Denver Institute for Faith & Work, we needed to (1) create a new institution that (2) brings quality thinking to bear on practical work contexts, (3) is multidisciplinary, (4) unites both church and city leaders, (5) unites ideas and practical action, and (6) does so […]

Jeff Haanen
Why here? Why now? Pt. I

Today we launch Denver Institute for Faith & Work, a new nonprofit dedicated to the integration of faith and work. The journey began a little over a year ago, and since then, God has faithfully gathered leaders, aligned ideas, and inspired a shared vision. We on the board recognize a great debt we owe to […]

Jeff Haanen
What We’ve Forgotten About Vocation

There is a scene in J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic The Fellowship of the Ring where Frodo Baggins meets Lady Galadriel, an elf queen. She leads him to look in small bowl of water, called the mirror of Galadriel, that tells the future. After seeing the demise of the Shire in the mirror, the Lady says about […]

Jeff Haanen
What One Education CEO Has to Say About Faith and the Work of Teaching

Recently Christianity Today published my essay on Bill Kurtz, CEO of Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST). Having learned about Kurtz only this last Fall, his work was relatively new to me. As a charter school leader, and one who had spoken at both Q Cities Denver and at the Center for Faith & […]

Jeff Haanen
Welcome to the Denver Institute Blog

Welcome to the Denver Institute Blog, a place for theological reflection and local story telling around the theme of work. Every day people across Denver apply their faith in Jesus to their work. Spending extra time with a student, speaking hope to a patient, constructing a building that reflects God’s beauty, creating a new business […]

Jeff Haanen
Meaningless Jobs?

What might Christianity say to those who are “stuck” in entry-level, hourly jobs? What can we say to those organizing clothes at The Gap, steaming espressos at Starbucks, or selling laptops at Best Buy? High ideals are perhaps not hard to find in medicine, law or social work. But what about the rest of us […]

Jeff Haanen
Pay-What-You-Can Restaurants Dish Up Dignity in Denver

The walls are Shrek green, the stainless steel lights, violet trim, and framed photos of organic food giving the space a modern flavor. Menus listed on flat-screen TVs above the counter feature pita sandwiches, Mediterranean salads, chicken enchilada soup—and no prices. As I approach the counter and breathe in the aroma of freshly baking pizza […]