Ryan Tafilowski
Breaking the Spell of Consumption

One of the most jarring literary characters I’ve ever encountered is Prince Mishkin, the protagonist of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s masterful novel, The Idiot. The story follows the bumbling Mishkin, whom we meet in the first pages fresh out of a sanitarium in Switzerland, as he travels through the elegant parlors of 19th-century St. Petersburg’s aristocracy. To […]

Highlights from The Politics of Neighborly Love

On Thursday, Sept. 19, more than 400 people from across the U.S. gathered online for “The Politics of Neighborly Love: Christian Citizenship in a Divided Age.” In Denver, our friends at Made to Flourish hosted a group of pastors for a socially distanced watch party at the Asterisk building, while Joanna Meyer, Ryan Tafilowski, and […]

Jeff Haanen
What is Denver Institute for Faith & Work?

It doesn’t take much to make the case that the world is deeply broken. Even as you read this, my guess is that today – in your own experience – you can feel the fallenness of our culture all around. From anger and fear in the news to our day-to-day experience of broken relationships, we know […]

Jeff Haanen
Why Give? Kahlil Gibran on Generosity

Crammed in my drawer next to my bed are years of arts and crafts, given to me with almost ecstatic anticipation by my four daughters over the years. A Beauty and the Beast coloring page; a blue, yellow, and green woven bracelet; a pink and yellow glazed pot, just perfect for a few coins. In […]

Ryan Tafilowski
A Study on Calling

What am I supposed to do with my life? It’s a common question these days. And it’s a uniquely modern question.In his book The Courage to Be, theologian Paul Tillich argued that people of all ages have dealt with anxiety — the sense of being haunted by death or guilt, for example — but what […]

Step Out from Behind the Curtain: An Interview with Mark and Nancy Duarte

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on The High Calling; it has been edited here for length and reprinted with permission. Nancy Duarte joined us as a speaker for Resilient: Women, Work, & Calling 2020 on Saturday, Oct. 24. Nancy Duarte has driven the vision and growth of Duarte for 20 years, building an internationally respected design firm, […]

The Worth of Women in Christ’s Resurrection

Throughout the Gospel narratives, it is evident that Jesus brings about the Kingdom of God in many sectors of human life. What is also notable is the value he places on women through his words and by his deeds. In his earthly ministry, not only did he redeem people back to himself but he also […]

Watch Now: The Politics of Neighborly Love

Recent election cycles have left many Christians feeling discouraged, disillusioned, and dejected. America’s two-party system has left many believers feeling politically homeless when casting a vote feels like compromising values. Tweet storms and partisan bickering have replaced constructive dialogue and keep us from asking deeper questions about what it means to be citizens and followers […]

The Missing Sunday School Lessons: The Worth of Women in the Old Testament

Our Sunday school lessons are well-suited for the beginning of the story—the creation of the world, a man, a woman, and a garden. If you grew up in the 90’s like I did, those Sunday school lessons likely involved felt boards with cut-outs of all the major players. The little felt woman grabs the little […]

Dustin Moody
Lisa Slayton Joins Denver Institute to Lead the Expansion of the 5280 Fellowship

Lisa Slayton, former CEO of the Pittsburgh Leadership Foundation, has joined Denver Institute to help expand the 5280 Fellowship to new cities. The 5280 Fellowship is a nine month intensive program in spiritual formation, professional development, and civic leadership for early to mid-career professionals. The new initiative will be called CityGate, the Old Testament center […]

Joanna Meyer
Image & Identity

Recently I discovered an Instagram account that has become the most horrifying, life-giving part of my day. @danaemercer is a journalist and eating disorder survivor whose goal is to “help people feel normal” by reminding women why they should never compare themselves to someone online. Mercer reveals the tricks social media influencers use to create […]

Ryan Tafilowski
Politics at Twilight

The quest for ideological purity is badly disrupting our common life, in part because it is feeding our rapidly accelerating trend toward polarization. The demand is now not simply general support of a party platform, perhaps with some qualms, but total and pristine ideology—and that goes for both the Right and the Left. This is […]