The How & Why of Collaborating In Your City: A Housing Case Study

Summary How can faith-based organizations, civic leaders, and business leaders join forces to tackle city-wide challenges? This episode dives into three powerful case studies focused on housing affordability, showcasing how collaboration is driving real change in Colorado. You’ll hear firsthand stories from: Stu Davis, founder of COS I Love You, on how churches, businesses, and civic […]

Brian Gray
Is There Hope For Housing?

Is there hope for housing?What is behind this question and why would Denver Institute for Faith and Work be dealing with housing?In our FOR Campaign–a five-year strategic plan we began this year–we are identifying three significant civic issues that we want to help impact over the next five years. Housing affordability will be one of […]

Jeff Haanen
Designing Workplaces to be More Human

We spend about a third of our waking lives at work. And yet, for the majority of people, work is not much more than a paycheck. We feel lonely, especially men. We feel like there’s a gap between our job responsibilities and our own potential. We often feel exhausted and question whether our work is […]

Jeff Haanen
Buildings Shape Your Soul

That may be hard to believe, but I think Stratford Caldecott, in his excellent book Beauty for Truth’s Sake, has convincingly made the case that architecture is undergirded by distinct understandings of the world. And in the modern world, due primarily to materialism and utilitarianism, beauty has been mostly lost in our buildings. And with […]

Jeff Haanen
David Greusel: Architecture for Human Flourishing

In Denver, the built environment affects our quality of life every day—whether it’s traffic clogging the drive to Boulder, controversial elements of Denver International Airport’s design (which conspiracy theorists believe is home to a global shadow government) or Red Rocks Amphitheater, whose natural beauty and functional design make it one of the premiere amphitheaters in […]

David Greusel
Why Architecture Matters

Churchill was right: we shape our buildings, and thereafter they shape us. And many of us, disinterested in architectural style wars as we may be, may soon fully understand the consequences of being raised in neighbourhoods without character, without particularity, without the sacred quality of place. The same philosophies that shape our literature, music, and […]

Brian Gray
Questions for Christian Engineers, Architects, Designers and Urban Planners

Well, I don’t rule the world. But if I did (and it’s good I don’t!), I’d have all the world’s Christian engineers, architects, designers, and urban planners meet together in communities and ask these questions: A Theology of Place: How does the Christian story (removal from Eden, wandering & sojourners, new Jerusalem, etc) influence our […]

How can Producing, Selling and Installing Stone Veneer be God’s Work?

Here’s the story of Chuck Stein, President and CEO of Environmental Stoneworks, and chair of the Denver Institute board of directors. Here are some questions to ask in a group context to discuss the video:Why do you think Chuck enjoys simply “building something?”How do you think Chuck’s company is influencing the community with their products? What if they […]

Chris Horst
Productivity and Grace: Management and Labor at a Denver Manufacturer

There’s a simple reason why manual laborers are called “blue-collar”: The color blue, it turns out, hides dirt better than the white seen in office buildings. But “blue collar” defines more than work apparel, of course. It defines industry, even a way of life. And its stereotypes are often unflattering. But a metal products manufacturer […]