Jeff Haanen
Matt Turner, MorningStar Senior Living (Video)

Matt Turner, the CFO of MorningStar Senior Living, serves nearly 1000 employees, tens of thousands of residents – and his investors. As a young, Christian business leader, he’s had to grapple with the tension of serving both his staff and his investors – one many executive leaders feel. Yet ultimately, for Turner his work is […]

How can Producing, Selling and Installing Stone Veneer be God’s Work?

Here’s the story of Chuck Stein, President and CEO of Environmental Stoneworks, and chair of the Denver Institute board of directors. Here are some questions to ask in a group context to discuss the video:Why do you think Chuck enjoys simply “building something?”How do you think Chuck’s company is influencing the community with their products? What if they […]

What is the Purpose of Business?

Here’s the video of Jeff Van Duzer’s address at the business forum on March 28, 2014. Take a lunch break and watch the whole thing (thus defying the online marketers who say you’ll watch nothing over 3 minutes). His talk touched on “Enron with a smile,” the Trinity in our work, the role of profit […]

Business Forum Slideshow

The business forum on March 28 drew 85 business leaders from across the front range to hear from Jeff Van Duzer, author of Why Business Matters to God (And What Still Needs To Be Fixed).

Jeff Van Duzer
The Role of Business in the Creation Mandate

This formulation of the purpose of business makes the particular goods and services to be produced a relevant consideration. Specifically, are they goods and services that God would want to make available to the world at this time? Many times I have met with Christians in business who have suggested that the specific output of […]

Jeff Haanen
Vocation: The Holy Grail of Corporate America

Five hundred billion dollars. That’s how much economists estimate the US economy loses every year due to employee disengagement.A recent Gallup poll showed that 70% of Americans are disengaged from their work – either simply punching in and punching out each day, or actually working to sabotage the company they work for.Globally it’s worse: recently […]

Jeff Haanen
What’s the Purpose of Business?

Dorothy Sayers can sure pack a punch.  After the second world war, in a reflection on how to rebuild the economy she wrote:“But what are we to say about a civilization which employs so many of its workers in doing work which has no worth at all, work which no living man with a soul […]

Jeff Haanen
Pay-What-You-Can Restaurants Dish Up Dignity in Denver

The walls are Shrek green, the stainless steel lights, violet trim, and framed photos of organic food giving the space a modern flavor. Menus listed on flat-screen TVs above the counter feature pita sandwiches, Mediterranean salads, chicken enchilada soup—and no prices. As I approach the counter and breathe in the aroma of freshly baking pizza […]