The Value of Art for Business

Does the physical environment of a business matter? Walls, color, light, images – many businesses use buildings to communicate their corporate values or mission. Yet are our workplaces beautiful? Should art have a role in businesses and workplaces in Colorado? Can art awaken creativity, innovation, problem-solving, and a sense of deeper purpose in our work?Jeff […]

S2E6: Faith and Business with Kenman Wong

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Churches often struggle to affirm the positive role that businesses can have and the potential influence of business leaders. After all, what does the Bible have to say about the ways we run our businesses? […]

S1E8: Completing Capitalism with Jay Jakub

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Summary The driving forces of business, commerce and capitalism don’t always serve us well. How can business be leveraged for a greater good, beyond just the shareholders at the top? Jay Jakub, senior director of […]

7 Ways to Pastor Professionals

Living out our faith at work looks different for doctors, lawyers, accountants, and professionals in various industries, and ministry leaders often struggle to fully understand the challenges their members face in the workplace. At a recent event for our Church Partnership Network, Jeff Haanen shared seven practical ways to disciple the professionals in our pews. […]

Jeff Haanen
Doctrine: Perseverance

In the final post of the series Heart, Work & World? Telling First-Hand Accounts of the Gospel in our Work, we hear from a facilities manager who works at a local church. My favorite part about this story is the quote in the fourth paragraph. Quite stunning that through picking up trash he can see atonement […]

Jeff Haanen
Doctrine: Redemption

In the fourth of five posts in our series Heart, Work & World? Telling First-Hand Accounts of the Gospel in our Work, we visit a construction site in Denver. Paraphrasing C.S. Lewis, God is not just making nice people, but new men. And that’s what the doctrine of regeneration is about: through the Holy Spirit we go […]

Jeff Haanen
Doctrine: Sovereignty

In the third of three posts in our series Heart, Work & World? Telling First-Hand Accounts of the Gospel in our Work. Find other posts here on how our humanity and God’s adoption play out in stories of work today.  In this story, a small business entrepreneur takes the leap from being a shop class teacher to […]

Free Download: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbor Through Business

“Who is my neighbor?”This question has stumped believers since the legal expert asked Jesus about it more than 2000 years ago. In hopes of justifying himself, the lawyer sought unambiguous instructions for inheriting eternal life. Jesus responded with the story of the Good Samaritan, demonstrating that loving our neighbors is defined more by our mercy […]

Jeff Haanen
Doctrine: Humanity

What does faith look liked played out in day-to-day realities of work in a broken world? A while back, I wrote a series of short stories based on interviews with people in Denver. These stories were used for the NIV Faith and Work Study Bible. Each story was meant to highlight one doctrine, and how an […]

David Rupert
Be Rich Toward God

This post highlights the work of Peak Financial Management, a presenting sponsor at a past February’s “Business for the Common Good” event. Many thanks to Peak Financial for their generous support! For some, financial planning sounds like something reserved for those with mounds of money and investment savvy. But for Nick Wolverton of Peak Financial […]

Patrick Riley
How to Keep Going in 2018

On the Friday before New Year’s, I came into the office with no one here. (I tell the team to take a “holiday, holiday” where no one works between Christmas and New Years—it’s amazingly refreshing for all of us.) And coming in gave me a chance to plan out my calendar perfectly. You should see […]

Tim Macready
Integrating Faith Into the Way We Invest

As Chief Investment Officer of a Christian pension fund, it occurs to me frequently that 25,000 Australians have entrusted their retirement savings to us. This is a substantial responsibility. Our beneficiaries trust that we will work to the utmost of our abilities to ensure they are well-provided for so they can live a fruitful and […]