Tim Weinhold
Church, Culture… And Business

Twenty years ago Michael Novak, in his book Business as a Calling, provided this snapshot of a particularly prominent Christian business leader: [The] chairman and chief executive of the largest natural gas company in the United States… some time ago announced publicly his company’s vision: “To become… the most innovating and reliable provider of clean […]

Productivity and Grace

This post was first published on our blog in June, 2013. We are re-sharing it today as a way of thanking Blender Products for hosting our annual fundraiser, “Work Makes the World.”  There’s a simple reason why manual laborers are called “blue-collar”: The color blue, it turns out, hides dirt better than the white seen in office […]

Should Companies Aspire to Be “Good”?

“There is one and only one social responsibility of business — to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits.” Milton Friedman, 1970“We do things for other reasons than profit motives… We do things because they are right and just and that is who we are. That’s who we are as […]

David Rupert
Community Feature: Crosslands Construction President Jeff Durbon

Crosslands sounds like a wonderfully creative name for a company owned by a Christ follower. But owner Jeff Durbon isn’t taking credit. As he tells the story, he and a previous partner used the name Crosslands to reflect their desire to have a multi-state construction company. “When we started the company, we wanted a professional […]

Nourishing the World

As we walked into the kitchen, our senses came alive: the smell of freshly baked bread, the shine of stainless steel appliances, the smile of Chef Daniel Marciani, and the sight of risotto, chocolate quinoa desserts, and caramelized spread. We felt like we had just walked into Babette’s Feast. The food was the unexpected capstone […]

Jeff Haanen
Biblically Responsible Investing

When preparing to introduce Robin John, the CEO of Eventide Asset Management, at our recent “Stocks, Bonds & Mutual Funds” event, I did what most people do when preparing a speaker intro: I googled him. Several articles popped up. One reporter called him “The Believer,” noting the rather strange language on their website: “business as […]

Jeff Haanen
Broader, Not Deeper

What will allow more pastors to see the importance of work for their church and its mission? How might the faith and work movement help pastors and seminaries to embrace ministry models that equip men and women to serve Christ in the wide array of professions in our culture today? And why is this so […]

A View from the Top: An Interview with Jeff Nikkel

There comes a point in every professional journey when questions of desire inevitably arise. Despite having accomplished much, at times we may wonder, “Is this as good as it gets?”  “Am I living the life that I really want?”  “Am I having the impact that I have always hoped?”  “Am I vibrantly alive?”   Often when we’re […]

Jeff Haanen
The Top 5 Struggles of Christian Business Leaders

Behind the veneer of confidence, bold risk-taking, and decisive leadership, all of us in positions of influence struggle – especially CEOs.  Considering these challenges tend to be perennial  for Christian business leaders, what experiences and/or resources can pastors, para-church leaders, and other business leaders provide for the executives in their network? What still needs to […]

Productivity: 6 Tips for Getting (the Right) Stuff Done

There might be nothing so frustrating as working for an entire day, feeling exhausted when the day’s done – and getting nothing done.How is this possible? More than once, when scanning back through my day I’ve felt bewildered. I’m tired so I must have been productive, right? A phone call, a quick drop-in meeting, a […]

Chris Horst
Christianity Today: “Showing Hospitality to Strangers and Spring Breakers”

Christianity Today’s new series “The Work of Our Hands” continues with a piece by Denver Institute board member Chris Horst. Chris tells the story of fellow Denverite Dave Collins. Once homeless, Dave is now an enthusiastic employee at a downtown hotel. “I wake up pumped that I get to go to work. It’s a perfect fit for […]

A Prayer for Before Work

My Heavenly Father, as I enter this work place, I bring Your presence with me. I speak Your peace, Your grace, Your mercy, and Your perfect order into this office. I acknowledge Your power over all that will be spoken, thought, decided, and done within these walls. Lord, I thank you for the gifts you […]