A Theology for “All Things”

I’ve often found that God first teaches me something about my work (such a practical place to learn) and then kneads that lesson throughout my life. Here’s an example: Through seeking wisdom from scripture about the role of work in the kingdom of God, I first noticed the repeated use of the phrase “all things.” Scripture shows us that Christ is the Lord who […]

God’s Sabbath Confronts Our Success

By Ryan Farrell By the end of the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and demanding long and brutal workweeks from working class adults and children alike. Then Henry Ford came along and concluded that something had to be done. So he instituted a 40-hour workweek for all of his factories — and […]

Work is the New Sex (Part 2)

By Skye JethaniOur culture is not very good with boundaries. We frequently confuse license with liberty; we think that freedom requires the absence of any restriction. This is certainly true in our cultural attitude about sex; Previous generations passed laws regulating acceptable sexual behavior, defining marriage, limiting appropriate dress for women and men, or restricting […]

Work is the New Sex

By Skye JethaniThe culture is obsessed with it and the church doesn’t talk about it. “Why do we work so hard?” The question is asked by a man standing before a pool and manicured lawn. “Other countries, they work, they stroll home, they stop by the cafe, they take August off. Off. Why aren’t you like […]

How should I choose a career?

Today most career counselors and well-meaning friends would respond to this question with: What are you good at? What do you love to do? What’s your personality type? Where do you want to live? What kind of lifestyle do you want? These are good, normal questions. Yet I have to wonder, are the goals of […]

Jeff Haanen
The Calling of Jayber Crow

“It seems to me,” David Buschart told us over one dollar beers at Old Mill, “that the idea of calling depends on the doctrine of God’s providence.” The four of us had invited David, a theologian from the seminary, to help us make sense of Max Weber’s Protestant Ethic. Of course, the book was just an excuse […]

Video Release: Eugene Peterson on Vocation

On New Years Eve, 1868, Andrew Carnegie sat alone in his room in the St. Nicholas Hotel in New York. Only 33 years old, he had already been successful beyond his wildest dreams. That year he made $56,110 and had accumulated $400,000 in assets. But his heart was restless. New Years Eve was a time […]

Joanna Meyer
Vocation at History Colorado

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at a museum? Since its debut in 2012, History Colorado, formerly the Colorado Historical Society, has wowed visitors. It’s engaging exhibits attract crowds, but walk through the soaring atrium and down the back stairs, and you’ll discover the historical society’s heart beating amidst the sawdust […]

Reflections on the Eugene Peterson Vocation Event

Andrew Arndt is Lead and Teaching Pastor at Bloom Church Denver, and is on the Church Advisory Council for Denver Institute for Faith & Work.Last night, 175 folks from all over Denver came together to listen to The Pastor, Eugene Peterson, open his heart and talk with us about faith and vocation.The event, hosted by Denver United Church and sponsored […]

The World was Waiting for You

“The world was waiting for image-bearers.” Andy Crouch, the Executive Editor of Christianity Today, addressed a crowd of 120 Denver pastors and leaders atLeadership Journal’s third “Redeeming Work” event. “Work,” says Crouch, “is a category of culture. And we lead a Christian community that has a very dysfunctional view of culture. Crouch shares a full-page newspaper ad on the […]

How To Get Unstuck From a Mid-Career Plateau

 It’s not uncommon for many of us to come out college, full of ideals and ready to change the world. What is uncommon, however, is to see that kind of idealism as a mid-level manager well into his mid 50s.Often I meet people who are kind, able, and competent, yet they’ve been stuck in the […]

Interview with Skye Jethani

Skye Jethani recently did a short interview with me on his new book, Futureville: Discovering Your Purpose for Today by Reimagining Tomorrow. In this interview, Skye and I discuss his own story as a pastor as he moved “from the pulpit to the pew,” why a biblical vision of the future affects how we live today, […]