Taking the Long View of Kingdom Work

Yesterday morning I sat down for coffee with Dr. Bob Cutillo. There are a few people in my life who leave me feeling not just refreshed, but almost nearer to Christ himself after meeting together. Bob is one of those people. We spoke about long-term plans for DIFW (he’s on the board), the lessons we’ve […]

What’s Wrong with “Do What You Love”?

We’ve said it for so long to graduating college seniors it’s become almost gospel. Do what you love. Do what you’re passionate about. Don’t settle for just a job. Follow your dreams. But is this wisdom or just hot air?Gordon Marino recently wrote an op-ed for the New York Times about his experience at St. Olaf College […]

How We Renew the City: His Story, Our Work (Videos)

What does it look like to renew the city? What role does our work play in God’s renewal of all things? In the first video, author and speaker Amy Sherman asks how we can look for the “redemptive edge” in our work, and how we are called to both “creative renewal” and “prophetic critique” in our […]

Jeff Haanen
How To Choose a Career: Advice From a Puritan Pastor

“What am I called to?” That’s the question it seems most of us are asking. My friend Nathan is a pastor of young adults, and without a doubt, nearly everybody he knows hates their jobs. The question “What am I called to?” is often followed by “It can’t be this!”The fact that 70% of Americans […]

Chris Horst
“I Wish My Work Mattered”

“I just wish I did work that mattered as much as your work does.” I was wrapping up lunch with a new friend when he dropped this line. His comment didn’t catch me off-guard. Frankly, it didn’t surprise me at all. I hear this comment—and close iterations of it—a lot. And I’m really tired of […]

Illumination at Laity Lodge

By Patton Dodd Last spring, I attended a gathering at Laity Lodge, a retreat center nestled into the Frio River-bottomed canyon in the Hill Country of Texas. The retreat’s intent was to gather workers from various fields—academia, journalism, the arts, and “business,” though of course it’s all business—to discuss the intersection of faith and work. […]

Jeff Haanen
What We’ve Forgotten About Vocation

There is a scene in J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic The Fellowship of the Ring where Frodo Baggins meets Lady Galadriel, an elf queen. She leads him to look in small bowl of water, called the mirror of Galadriel, that tells the future. After seeing the demise of the Shire in the mirror, the Lady says about […]