Meagan Smith
More Questions Than Answers: A Fellow’s Reflections

Editor’s note: Meagan Smith was a 5280 Fellowship participant. We asked her to reflect on the Fellowship’s opening retreat and the questions that it highlighted for her. The weeks leading up to the 5280 Fellowship’s first retreat  were demanding, without much time for reflection. My main train of thought was don’t be late–and don’t miss your […]

Joanna Meyer
Called Together Part 4: Pursuing Redemptive Relationships

Editor’s note: This is the fourth and final article in our “Called Together” series. Be sure to check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3! At Denver Institute for Faith & Work, we believe in a big gospel–the idea that Christ’s death and resurrection restores not only individual lives but every corner of creation […]

Creating Good Work: A 5280 Fellow’s Story

Each year, the 5280 Fellows create a professional project, combining what they’ve learned about the theology of work with their role, industry, and passions. The projects address an actual need in the Fellow’s company, industry, or city. In addition, Fellows are challenged to integrate their project with a theological foundation and reflect on how they […]

Saving Lives with a Bar of Soap

This post highlights the work of Osana, a presenting sponsor at July, 2018’s “God & the Great Outdoors” event. Osana is an all-natural mosquito repellent soap that helps to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses and sanitation related sicknesses in the developing world. Many thanks to Osana for their generous support!Mosquitos suck…literally. Who hasn’t had a picnic ruined by these pesky […]

Joanna Meyer
Called Together: A Biblical Perspective on Gender Roles in the Workplace (Part 2)

Editor’s note: This is the second post in a four-part series. Take a look at part one before diving into the content below! “To be honest, I don’t know any women like me…” It’s a lament I hear often when I ask career-minded Christian women to introduce me to faithful women in their network. This […]

Jeff Haanen
The Church in the World

  “On the evening of that day, the first day of the week, the doors being locked where the disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them, and he said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ When He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side. Then […]

Dustin Moody
7 Thoughts on Work for Recent Grads

The party invitations, regalia rentals, and diploma frames all point to one thing: graduation season. The transition from college to the workforce can be a startling time for many recent graduates. It’s a transition that brings up questions about purpose, calling, employment, and direction. And while students have sat through hours of lectures and countless […]

Jeff Haanen, Laura Bernero
“Expand Your Cultural Imagination”: A Christian Rap Artist on Creativity  

In early June of 2017, I invited my friend Jim Mullins of Surge Network (a faith and work organization in Phoenix) to share with other movement leaders at City Gate, an annual gathering of peers doing similar work to Denver Institute.  Jim stood up and said, “I want to begin my talk on theological imagination […]

Tim Barr
“It Is Good”: A 5280 Fellows Experience

I’m currently going through the nine-month 5280 Fellowship, studying the intersection of work and faith. I think a lot of people, including myself, struggle with the question of what intrinsic value our work brings to the world. As a sales professional, how I can be of value outside of just strictly driving profits to the bottom line? […]

Laura Bernero
Video: The Roles of Women and Work

In 2016, a group of local leaders gathered for a panel discussion at one of many Denver Institute events centered around women and work. The discussion calls to mind a quote from “A Women’s Place” by Katelyn Beaty reflected the spirit that the panelists encouraged women take with them in their daily tasks, no matter […]

The Problem With Following Your Passion

There is a growing awareness within the financial industry of the need to work with the next generation. But the type of help millennials need is often very different due to their stage in life and financial situation. If we define wealth broadly, typically the biggest asset they have is human capital (or future earning […]

Joanna Meyer
Instead of Leaning In, Try Leaning Hard

Denver Institute was on the move! Friday morning, May 12th we trekked up I-25 to Johnstown’s Candlelight Dinner Theater for the first Women & Vocation event in Northern Colorado.As each registration notification arrives in my inbox, I ponder the challenges that each woman faces in her work. I wonder: How Kathy, a small business owner, […]