The Work of the Pastor

By Trevor Lee If all work is profoundly valuable, what’s the point of being a pastor? I didn’t have a good answer for that question. I had been on a multiyear journey discovering the importance of all work — that generative work is an important part of what it means to bear the image of God […]

Jeff Haanen
What Greg Thompson Can Teach Us About Living as Christians in Cities

Occasionally you meet somebody that shines with such virtue that you are, perhaps for the first time, made aware of your own poverty of spirit.When I met Greg Thompson during our Thriving Cities symposium in late October, I almost immediately felt the weight of his glory. Before speaking to the crowd, he almost desperately asked […]

Jeff Haanen
Stories of Hope: A Reason to Be Generous

Today is Colorado Gives Day, Colorado’s biggest one-day event to give to your favorite nonprofit. As I take a look at the past year, I can see all kinds of reasons to give to Denver Institute for Faith & Work. (But hey, since I’m the executive director, I’m biased!) Perhaps one of the best reasons to […]

A Gift to the World

Several weeks ago, I sat down to share about the DIFW vision with a prospective donor. As I began to explain our mission, I could tell there was a mental obstacle.“So, you can’t evangelize in schools or business or the government,” he said. “So what it is exactly you’re trying to accomplish?”Before I could reply, […]

Business as a Holy Calling?

By Tim DearbornOne Sunday, our church was commissioning its youth group to go to Tijuana to build houses. Professional carpenters and an owner of a construction company were commissioned with them. It occurred to me, “Why were we commissioning them for this volunteer ministry, but we’ve never thought of commissioning members in the construction business […]

The Missional Vocation of the Church

The Scriptures teach that in Jesus Christ, God is taking his sin-marred creation and redemptively restoring it in every part, until at last all things are made new. This is the missio Dei, the redemptive mission of God to the world. But how does God extend these redemptive purposes? How does He accomplish this mission? […]

God’s Sabbath Confronts Our Success

By Ryan Farrell By the end of the 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing and demanding long and brutal workweeks from working class adults and children alike. Then Henry Ford came along and concluded that something had to be done. So he instituted a 40-hour workweek for all of his factories — and […]

Jeff Haanen
Why Work Is at the Heart of God’s Mission

Almost every Sunday morning at church, as we finish the final songs and benediction (and I prepare to pick up my crew of girls from Sunday School – now four!), I find myself asking the same question: What is the Church sent into the world to do?This is a question that my friends in pastoral […]

Learning Vocational Holiness from “The Pastor”

By Andrew Arndt Eighteen months ago, some friends and I sat in a restaurant dreaming together. “If we were trying to help Christians in Denver think more clearly about how the work of our hands and faith in Christ intersect, and we could bring one person out to Denver to speak on this, who would […]

Brian Gray
Inspiration: How to Pray for Specific Vocations

 Every Sunday, in churches across Colorado, worship leaders call attention to the needs of their communities and the world. Simply put, we pray for what we care about. Do the prayers you offer from the pulpit, in small group settings–or even in your personal prayer life–speak to the ways the members of your congregation labor every […]

Jeff Haanen
Jared Mackey: What Story Are You In? (VIDEO 3 of 6)

What Story Are You In? – Jared Mackey from Denver Institute on Vimeo.All of us at some point believe the idea that we are both writing a story and in a story. Walter Brueggermann explored this concept in his essay Counterscript.”Everybody has a script. People live their lives by a script that is often explicit […]

Pastor Andrew Arndt: Church, Work, and the Redemption of All Things (Videos)

Andrew Arndt is the lead pastor of Bloom Church in Denver and on the DIFW Church Advisory Council. In partnership with the Made To Flourish Pastors Network, he recently did a series of short interviews. Below are five short videos of Pastor Arndt’s view of the biblical story, the place of work in God’s redemption […]