The Church Must Scatter

By Dan KaskubarFifty years ago, or even 30 years ago, people went to church. Even people who didn’t really believe, went to church. It was the thing to do. And when someone wasn’t going to church, they would often politely oblige if they were invited by a friend.Not so any more. 75% of Americans still […]

Servant & Witness: John Stott and the DIFW Mission

Several weeks ago I sat down to coffee with my friend Dr. Bill Wright. “It helps to define exactly what the problem is,” he said to me as we discussed his work at the Colorado Trust. “From there, you can more clearly see potential solutions.” In his work at the Colorado Trust, they have a […]

Dan Kaskubar
Parable of the Talents Part 2: Preparing for His Return

We value leisure. In our culture, work is seen as something that’s hard, and should be avoided if possible. Especially if it’s not work you love. For Aristotle the goal was, in fact, to avoid work that’s “base,” hard, or with one’s hands. Aristotle believed the goal for anyone should be to participate in the […]

10 Steps Toward Becoming a Culturally-Engaged Church

 We’ve made huge strides in the past several years on bringing the topic of work to church. But I’ve noticed an ongoing tension. It’s a tension between what we say about work on Sunday and what we do (or don’t do).On the one hand, talk of “faith & work” and cultural engagement have been popping up […]

Video Release: Eugene Peterson on Vocation

On New Years Eve, 1868, Andrew Carnegie sat alone in his room in the St. Nicholas Hotel in New York. Only 33 years old, he had already been successful beyond his wildest dreams. That year he made $56,110 and had accumulated $400,000 in assets. But his heart was restless. New Years Eve was a time […]

Four Sermons on Work

In the past several months, I’ve been honored to give four different sermons on work in the Denver Metro area. If you have some time this week, download them onto your iPhone or iPod (remember those?) and listen on your way to or from work. I’d love to get your feedback.Here they are. I’ve included […]

A Prayer for Work

O Lord! May all my work today be for you, and you alone! Teach me to see my daily labor in the piercing light of your Truth. Open my ears to hear the great cloud of witnesses who have gone before me, that I might walk in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. Stir […]

A Place To Start: Four Recommendations

With all the resources out there on theology, work and culture, where do I start? If you have a Sunday school class or small group, here are four great short video curricula that are perfect places to begin the journey.For the Life of the World: Letters to the ExilesFor the Life of the World is […]

The World’s Best Outreach Strategy

How are we going to reach out to our culture?It’s a common question in church world. Do we have a fall festival? Sponsor a 5k? Chili cook off? Day of service at the homeless shelter? Mission trip?The idea seems to be this: We’re here…in church. They’re out there…in culture. We need to “reach out” to […]

The World was Waiting for You

“The world was waiting for image-bearers.” Andy Crouch, the Executive Editor of Christianity Today, addressed a crowd of 120 Denver pastors and leaders atLeadership Journal’s third “Redeeming Work” event. “Work,” says Crouch, “is a category of culture. And we lead a Christian community that has a very dysfunctional view of culture. Crouch shares a full-page newspaper ad on the […]

Teaching Vocation at Trailhead Church

By Trevor LeeThis year Trailhead had the opportunity to participate in a Vocation Infusion Learning Community. It was an amazing experience and is shaping the way we think about discipleship and a number of practices we’re implementing. Trailhead is committed to being low program, so our goal as much as possible is to work at infusing ideas and […]

Taking the Long View of Kingdom Work

Yesterday morning I sat down for coffee with Dr. Bob Cutillo. There are a few people in my life who leave me feeling not just refreshed, but almost nearer to Christ himself after meeting together. Bob is one of those people. We spoke about long-term plans for DIFW (he’s on the board), the lessons we’ve […]