Jeff Van Duzer
The Role of Business in the Creation Mandate

This formulation of the purpose of business makes the particular goods and services to be produced a relevant consideration. Specifically, are they goods and services that God would want to make available to the world at this time? Many times I have met with Christians in business who have suggested that the specific output of […]

Jeff Haanen
Work “Rhythms” for the Local Church

After reading books on vocation, attending “faith and work” conferences, and committing to “cultural renewal,” most pastors will begin to ask, “So what?” That is, now that we’ve decided work is so important for both discipleship and mission, what difference does all of this make in congregational life? How should it influence our Sunday gatherings, […]

Dave Strunk
Bread, Wine and Work

“For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26 “I’m not religious, but I am spiritual,” goes the common American saying. There is a world of assumptions behind those two words “religious” and “spiritual.” “Religious” implies church, priests or pastors, other people, tradition, […]

Brian Gray
Prayer for the Work Day

Here is a beautiful prayer for the work day written by Bishop Charles Lewis Slattery (1867-1930): Prayer for the Work Day Almighty God, thank Thee for the job of this day. May we find gladness in all its toil and difficulty, its pleasure and success, and even in its failure and sorrow. We would look […]

Brian Gray
A Letter To My Pastor

Dear Pastor,“Where do I start?” Perhaps you’ve had this thought a time or two when considering how to help us live out the gospel at work. First, there are so many different kinds of work: education, health care, trades, retail, manufacturing, small business, real estate. How can you know enough about these fields to be […]

Brian Gray
Three Prayers for Work

Need to make it through a long work day? Or week? Take a moment, print out these prayers, and offer them to Christ, the Savior and Sustainer of all life.The first is written by Graham Wells via The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation & Culture:Dear God, you provide for us in all ways, from our […]

Jeff Haanen
How To Choose a Career: Advice From a Puritan Pastor

“What am I called to?” That’s the question it seems most of us are asking. My friend Nathan is a pastor of young adults, and without a doubt, nearly everybody he knows hates their jobs. The question “What am I called to?” is often followed by “It can’t be this!”The fact that 70% of Americans […]

Doug Smith
Laying a Foundation as an Expert Builder

I have worked in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) business for the past 45 years.  I’ve gone from field engineer to Chief Executive of companies and an executive officer in a publicly traded company.  Throughout my career I’ve tried to integrate my faith into everything I do whether at work, at home, at church […]