Amy Sherman
“You Are An Agent of Flourishing” featuring Amy Sherman

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary As Christians, we are to be agents of flourishing–people who seek the common good for their city. But the individual question remains: “How can I be an agent of flourishing when I have such little […]

Jeff Hoffmeyer
“He Descended Into Hell”: How Holy Saturday Shapes Our Work

A few years ago I went to the Columbine Memorial with some high school students from a church where I was a pastor. Our group was serving at a church in Littleton, along with a much larger group of junior high students from another church. Our smaller group of students got to the memorial first […]

Dustin Moody
Managing Anxiety: Yours & Theirs

Our first instinct to act in a trying situation is usually an anxious response, rather than a helpful one. Losing our temper, insisting on having the last word, demanding everyone’s attention, blazing forward without pausing to think, acting before hearing multiple perspectives—these are all anxious responses. Many of us are uncomfortable with silence and inaction, […]

Dustin Moody
Marcy McGovern Joins the Denver Institute Board of Directors

Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to welcome Marcy McGovern as our newest board member. We recently spoke with Marcy about her background in nonprofit leadership and financial planning, and her passion for faith and work. The conversation below has been lightly edited for length and clarity. DM: How has Denver Institute helped […]

Redeeming Your Time: Biblical Principles for Productivity

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it mean to “redeem” your time, and why is it important? As Christians, what does the Bible show us about the balance of productivity and rest? Join Joanna Meyer and Dustin Moody as […]

How to Have Courage in Your Work with Dr. Russell Moore

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it look like to be courageous in our work? And how can Christians navigate the complexities of organizational life with grace and faithfulness? Join Joanna Meyer and Dustin Moody as they discuss the […]

Catherine Sandgren
Highlights from Work + Worship

On Wednesday, June 16th, 2021, Denver Institute and Park Church hosted Work + Worship: An Interactive Worship Experience. Guest speaker Dr. Matthew Kaemingk presented the findings from his most recent book, Work & Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy, and provided practical tools for integrating our daily work into our Sunday worship.  On Thursday, June […]

Catherine Sandgren
5 Ways to Integrate Our Faith & Work

The Christian life is one of constantly receiving and returning, and from this exchange we are deeply formed. One touchpoint where we encounter this exchange is in places of corporate worship. In Matt Kaemingk’s most recent book, Work and Worship: Reconnecting Our Labor and Liturgy, Kaemingk discusses the concept of bringing to the communion table […]

Ryan Tafilowski
“Weekending” for the Work: Connecting Work and Worship

What makes a human being a human being? Is it that we are homo sapiens — sophisticated animals with the capacity for abstract reasoning and complex language? Or are we homo faber — creators of culture, builders of civilizations and empires?Yes. No. Both.It’s not that these characterizations of human beings are wrong, exactly, but they […]

Kristi Rathbun
How the Psalms Invite Us to See Work in a New Way

Work and worship. To the average churchgoer, these things belong to different realms, different arenas of life not meant to overlap. Compartmentalizing secular and sacred life can seem appealing, particularly when times are tough and our jobs leave us shouldering stress and anxiety. Some yearn for that spiritual escape, to enter the sanctuary and leave […]

Lydia Shoaf
Holy Worldliness

I once heard a pastor say that his parishioners would often comment on how hard it was to go to work in “Godless workplaces,” day after day. The pastor responded, “It’s not Godless, if you are there.” This pastor’s words came to mind—but I began thinking of their meaning in a different way—as I read Matthew […]

Kristi Rathbun
Workforce Development and the Common Good

Today’s job market bears little resemblance to the workforce of 20 years ago. Whereas employees used to remain with a single company for the duration of their careers, modern workers have embraced job hopping every few years as the new norm. While many of our grandparents were able to find steady, well-paying jobs just out […]