7 Ways to Pastor Professionals

Living out our faith at work looks different for doctors, lawyers, accountants, and professionals in various industries, and ministry leaders often struggle to fully understand the challenges their members face in the workplace. At a recent event for our Church Partnership Network, Jeff Haanen shared seven practical ways to disciple the professionals in our pews. […]

Free Download: 6 Ways to Love Your Neighbor Through Business

“Who is my neighbor?”This question has stumped believers since the legal expert asked Jesus about it more than 2000 years ago. In hopes of justifying himself, the lawyer sought unambiguous instructions for inheriting eternal life. Jesus responded with the story of the Good Samaritan, demonstrating that loving our neighbors is defined more by our mercy […]

Jeff Haanen
Satisfying Work in the New Jerusalem

What’s heaven like? In Isaiah 65, God promises to create new heavens and a new earth, to undo a world of suffering and renew his beloved Jerusalem. “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind. But be glad and rejoice […]

Jeff Haanen
The Prayer of Awareness

In the busyness of my life, who really has time to pray? Several weeks ago I sat down with my friend and spiritual mentor Barry Rowan. Though I wouldn’t say I was too busy to pray – especially not to Barry, a giant in the faith compared to me – when the conversation turned to […]

Jeff Haanen
The Miracle of the Reformers: Why Teaching Your Kids Hymns is Good for the Economy

Perhaps the songs we teach our children is one the most important legacies we can leave for posterity. This morning I sat down to breakfast with my wife and four daughters. After eggs and sausage, we listened to the classic hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.” My wife educates our […]

Laura Bernero
Biblical Conflict Resolution

This post originally appeared on the blog of Anderson Allen LLC, a Christian Mediation firm based in Denver. Founders Rachel Anderson and Shannon Allen share their perspective on how the Bible informs and instructs believers in relational conflict, and how that guides their practice as attorneys and mediators. Check back on the blog later this […]

Jeff Haanen
Resources for Work-Themed Worship

Again from of our friends at the Theology of Work project, here’s a great compilation of prayers, songs, and other worship service materials on the themes of work and vocation. This is a great place to begin if you’re looking for ways to equip the members of your congregation or group with encouragement and Biblical […]

Laura Bernero
Theology of Work: Free Small Group Resources

Courtesy of our friends at the Theology of Work project, here are some of the internet’s best small group resources on topics around work and calling. If you’re looking for a place to start with your small group, here’s a great place to begin. For more information, visit the  Theology of Work website. Choose A […]

Brian Gray
Top Five Books to Read with Businesspeople in Your Congregation

One of the keys to preparing your people to walk with God in every area of life is understanding their day-t0-day life, especially the hours they spend at work. Don’t assume you understand the unique pressures and opportunities they face. Reading a book, or excerpts of a book, together can deepen your understanding and spark meaningful conversation. […]

Jeff Haanen
Collective Impact: The Missing Piece of the Faith-Work Puzzle

What will the faith and work movement look like in 2067? What are we doing today that could genuinely last for 50 years, and even reshape American culture?These are tough questions. Not only because 50 years is such a long time, but it forces us to think not only of our own organizations, but the […]

Blythe Scott
Putting Theology Over Ideology

Blythe Scott is a 5280 Fellow in the 2016-2017 session and co-facilitator of The City Forum, an ongoing event series in Denver that aims to cultivate civility by engaging in public conversations about issues that matter. Her involvement in the series came from a longtime call she had to build bridges of conversation and connection […]

Jeff Haanen
How Do We Change? Formation in the 5280 Fellowship

How do we change?I’m 34 years old, have four kids, and have been in the workforce for 9 years. And for me, there is no more pressing question in my life today than How do I change?In the past three years, the stress of leading a growing organization, trying to be a good father, and […]