Harvard & Scripture Agree on How We Thrive

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it look like to thrive? Listen in as The Faith & Work Podcast talks with Ross Chapman, CEO of Denver Institute, on what Harvard and Scripture have to say about flourishing in all […]

Brian Gray
2022 Fellows Professional Projects Highlight

In May of this year, we graduated our sixth class of 5280 Fellows. Each spring of the Fellowship, we design, execute, and debrief our peers on a Professional Project. This project embodies the Fellowship theory of how people grow and impact others from the “inside out” — first through personal, then interpersonal, then organizational transformation. […]

Biblical Perspectives on Pot Use & the Marijuana Industry featuring Dave Morlan

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Since the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado in 2012, it has become a common part of life in the Denver metro area. As Christians in this cultural context some questions that arise include ‘It […]

Kristi Rathbun
Workforce Development and the Common Good

Today’s job market bears little resemblance to the workforce of 20 years ago. Whereas employees used to remain with a single company for the duration of their careers, modern workers have embraced job hopping every few years as the new norm. While many of our grandparents were able to find steady, well-paying jobs just out […]

Jeff Haanen
Easter is Not a Metaphor

When I think of Easter, I think of the pink crabapple trees blossoming in early April along the north side of Caley Avenue in my hometown of Littleton. I think of Easter egg hunts on budding green church lawns packed with girls in pastel dresses and boys in clip-on ties, carrying baskets filled with eggs, chocolate, […]

Jeff Haanen
Race and the Gospel

The week after George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, I got on the phone to call several of my Black friends to see how they were doing. One of our alumni from the 5280 Fellowship, a Black woman working for the state of Colorado, shared her devastation. “I’m not sure how to describe how I’m […]

Equipping Future Leaders

Since 2016, more than 75 Fellows have completed the nine-month spiritual formation and professional development experience that helps Christians integrate their career and their calling to love God and serve their neighbors. We often say that the 5280 Fellowship is meant to equip participants for a life with God, through work, for the world.As adult […]

Dustin Moody
Making All Things New

Our annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation earlier this spring explored the idea of how God is making all things new (Revelation 21:5). We celebrated the places where we’ve seen God’s work of redemption throughout Denver, and we considered how we can individually join his work of restoring our relationships and our companies. We asked […]

Jeff Haanen
What Can I Really Do?

This is an excerpt from Jeff’s keynote talk at “All Things New,” DIFW’s annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation. Several weeks ago, I got a text from my wife: “This school shooting…just hurting today. K-12 Douglas County charter school 3 miles from our house. And our kids head off to another K-12 Douglas County charter […]

Creating Good Work: A 5280 Fellow’s Story

Each year, the 5280 Fellows create a professional project, combining what they’ve learned about the theology of work with their role, industry, and passions. The projects address an actual need in the Fellow’s company, industry, or city. In addition, Fellows are challenged to integrate their project with a theological foundation and reflect on how they […]

Jeff Haanen
How Do We Change? Formation in the 5280 Fellowship

How do we change?I’m 34 years old, have four kids, and have been in the workforce for 9 years. And for me, there is no more pressing question in my life today than How do I change?In the past three years, the stress of leading a growing organization, trying to be a good father, and […]

Laura Bernero
“Keep Your Cool. Do Your Best. Honor God.”

He recalled the mantra his father repeated to him before high school basketball games: “Keep your cool. Do your best. Honor God.” Dan Dye still exuded the tenacity of a point guard and the humility of a hard worker as he echoed those same words of advice to me and a group of 5280 Fellows. […]