Brian Gray
Filling Our City With Disciples

eThroughout Denver and Boulder, church leaders are engaging in conversations about the integration of faith and work, and inviting young professionals to do the same – to connect Sunday to Monday. To see all of life in light of the gospel. To invite Christ into day-to-day work, no matter the sphere or industry.  As one […]

Brian Gray
Life-Giving Purpose

Candice Whitley has always loved working with kids, and she felt her passion deepen as she pursued multiple degrees in education. As she navigated the field of teaching and discovered her strengths in serving students, she felt a strong desire to learn about the greater purposes of work, and God’s vision for that sphere of […]

Rachel Moran
Bringing Light to the Darkness

I grew up as a white child raised by middle-class parents in a suburb so idyllic that it was named the safest city in America for three years running during my elementary and middle school years. After I graduated from high school, I went to a small Christian college in an area so rural and […]

Jill Anschutz
Happy Colorado Gives Day!

Happy Colorado Gives Day!Colorado Gives Day is an annual statewide movement to celebrate and increase philanthropy in Colorado through online giving. It’s a day set aside from the holiday hustle to give out of the abundance you’ve been given.As you consider where to donate today, here are five of my favorite charities in the Denver […]

Catherine Alvarez
My Mission Is My Workplace: A 5280 Fellows Reflection

The 5280 Fellows program has been so much more than I expected. I originally applied because I felt God saying that my mission field was my workplace. I felt led to apply for the 5280 Fellowship so that I could be better equipped for this calling. I didn’t really know much about the program, I […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy: Top 7 Challenges Facing Denver Today

In the past two blog posts on Denver’s economic history and thriving economy today, things look promising. New businesses, new residents, and new buildings all point to a thriving city.But your perspective on the economy often depends on where you’re sitting. Here are, in my view, the top seven challenges facing Denver today. Greatest Challenges […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy

With over 100,000 new Colorado residents in 2016, Denver is booming. Cranes dot the skyline, buildings are popping up across the city (especially around Union Station), and Denver is quickly becoming one of the most attractive places to live in the United States.My last post focused on Denver’s economic history. Here, I’ll give a very […]

Jeff Haanen
Denver’s Changing Economy: A Five Minute History

Recently a friend, Pastor Trevor Lee, asked me to speak on Denver’s changing economy and what it means for the church. After saying yes, I realized that despite living in Denver for over a decade, I knew precious little about it. So I researched the history, current economy, and future challenges facing Denver. If you’re […]

How the White House Will Shape Denver

That may be a nervy concept given the unfolding of this current presidential election.But for nearly 50 years, the White House Fellowship program has taken elite, emerging professionals and placed them into a highly selective, one-year internship. White House Fellows participate in educational seminars, meet up close with senior leaders, and work in meaningful learn-by-doing […]

Boulder Daily Camera: Moving west for meaningful work

This column first appeared in the print and digital editions of the Boulder Daily Camera on January 27, 2016. Erik Nelson, a former VP with a large financial service company, is on the hunt for meaningful work.He recently moved from Texas to Colorado to find a job in the nonprofit sector, hoping to discover a career with […]

The DIFW Guiding Principles: A Theology for Your Work

Recently I was challenged by another leader to make our organization’s core values more succinct and memorable. After taking a look at them, I realized I had trouble remembering my own nonprofit’s guiding principles! The key, I started to realize, was that if they were to become anything more than nice phrases, we needed to make […]

Servant & Witness: John Stott and the DIFW Mission

Several weeks ago I sat down to coffee with my friend Dr. Bill Wright. “It helps to define exactly what the problem is,” he said to me as we discussed his work at the Colorado Trust. “From there, you can more clearly see potential solutions.” In his work at the Colorado Trust, they have a […]