Ryan Tafilowski
What Do We Owe Our Neighbors?

You may have summoned the courage to venture out to the grocery store sometime over the past two weeks, like I did. If your experience was anything like mine, it was a surreal outing. My local grocery store resembled a set from The Road or one of the Mad Max movies: barren shelves, haggard workers, […]

Jeff Haanen
Designing Workplaces to be More Human

We spend about a third of our waking lives at work. And yet, for the majority of people, work is not much more than a paycheck. We feel lonely, especially men. We feel like there’s a gap between our job responsibilities and our own potential. We often feel exhausted and question whether our work is […]

Greg Lernihan
Stewarding His Resources

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF. Greg Lernihan was a speaker at “Business for the Common Good” on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020. In God’s Perfect Timing Everyone has life changing experiences. One of […]

Richard Lackey
Capitalism 2.0: The Benevolent Hand

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF. Richard Lackey was a speaker at “Business for the Common Good” on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020.At America’s inception God’s handwas evident in many ways. In 1776, less […]

Jesus Sampedro
Catching the Entrepreneurial Wave to Reconfigure the Spiritual Capital of a Nation

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF. Jesus Sampedro was a speaker at “Business for the Common Good” on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020.The idea of redeeming societies thoughinnovation and entrepreneurial ventures is at the […]

David Park
On the Road Again

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF. David Park was a speaker at “Business for the Common Good” on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020. Waking Up I woke with a start. It was 2:30am and […]

Aimee Minnich
The Biblical Concept of Gleaning and its Implications for Faith-Driven Investing

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF. Aimee Minnich was a speaker at “Business for the Common Good” on Friday, Jan. 31, 2020.As faith-driven impact investing grows, so too does theconfusion about how much […]

S5E1: Investing for the Kingdom with Aimee Minnich

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can scripture guide investing? Can the investments we make have both a financial return, as well as an eternal one? Jeff Haanen and Joanna Meyer talk with Aimee Minnich, chief impact officer and general […]

S4E6: Christianity in the U.S. at a Crossroads

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary The Pew Research Center reports that Christianity in the U.S. is declining at a rapid pace. But what can we learn from the data? Is there more to the story behind the numbers? Jeff Haanen, […]

Becker Polverini
Privacy’s Deathblow: 5G, AI, and the Believer’s Response

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF.Artificial intelligence (AI) stands in the midst of a renaissance. Once underfunded and haunted by failed, grandiose claims of all-powerful machines,1 AI has transformed into the hot technology […]

Katherine Leary Alsdorf
Work: A Way to Love Our Neighbor

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF.In Every Good Endeavor, Keller and Alsdorf talk about work as an act of loving your neighbor.1 Drawing on the insights of Luther, Sayers, De Koster, […]

S4E2: Working in the Presence of God

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How can we put faith into practice in our everyday, working lives? Shannon Vandewarker and Denise Daniels, co-authors of the new book, Working in the Presence of God, share practical ways to experience God in […]