Dustin Moody
Shaping Hearts and Minds

Editor’s note: Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to explore the importance of character formation in education. In this post, we’re highlighting the unique approach to character formation at New Legacy Charter School, a school for teen parents founded by Jennifer Douglas.We expect a lot from our schools and teachers. In addition to […]

S2E9: Sabbath Rest with Tara Owens

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does Sabbath rest look like for modern society? Why do many of us struggle to develop healthy practices of rest and reflection? In this episode, Tara Owens, spiritual director and founder of Anam Cara […]

Jeff Haanen
How a Teacher, Pediatrician, App Developer and Corporate Lawyer Are Co-Laboring with Christ to Make All Things New

At “All Things New,” DIFW’s annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation, four professionals in the DIFW community shared how God is using them in their work to “make all things new” in the context of their daily work. Here are their stories:Britta Apple – High School English Teacher One area of brokenness that I encounter […]

S2E8: David Brooks and The Second Mountain

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary What does it take to live a moral life? Jeff Haanen and Dustin Moody talk with David Brooks, New York Times columnist and best-selling author, about his latest book, The Second Mountain. David shares about […]

S2E5: Steve Cuss on Managing Leadership Anxiety

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary Anxiety can wreak havoc on leaders, teams, and organizations. Joanna Meyer and Brian Gray talk with Steve Cuss, author of “Managing Leadership Anxiety,” about the ways we can recognize and recover from anxiety in our […]

Called Together: A Free Download from Denver Institute for Faith & Work

What unique qualities do men and women bring to the workplace?What can churches to do foster healthy dialogue about the role of work in women’s lives?How does culture shape our perceptions of gender roles, and are these perceptions aligned with scripture? In this free e-book, Joanna Meyer explores the challenges and opportunities for men and […]

S2E2: Faith in the Public Square

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How do Christians constructively engage cultural and political discussions in this increasingly divisive age? Whether we’re speaking up at a city council meeting, figuring out how to navigate a touchy subject over Thanksgiving dinner, or […]

Citizenship is Our Common Calling

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared in Capital Commentary, a publication of the Center for Public Justice.For many Christians, our citizenship can best be characterized by the hope that it is somebody else’s job. I am regularly told what I should do or not do to “fix our broken government,” where government is always the […]

S1E10: Anne Snyder on Character, Hospitality, and Hyper-Partisanship

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Summary Anne Snyder joins Joanna Meyer and Dustin Moody to talk about her work on character, hospitality, and the unique traits that women bring to their homes, communities, and workplaces. They also tackle the challenges […]

S1E9: A “Rule of Life” for 2019

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher. Summary The change from one year to the next often includes times of reflection and planning. In this episode, Denver Institute staff talk about the concept behind a “rule of life” and how to put […]

Getting to the Heart of Outdoor Retailing and Recreation: Videos from “God & the Great Outdoors”

Outdoor recreation is close to the hearts of many Coloradoans, but how does it shape our souls? How do Christians in outdoor retailing integrate their faith and work in a pluralistic industry?In July, Denver Institute for Faith & Work hosted a conversation that explored the social, economic, and spiritual impact of outdoor retailing and recreation. […]

Joanna Meyer
Called Together: A Biblical Perspective on Gender Roles in the Workplace (Part 3)

Editor’s note: Through this series of articles, we’ve explored the challenges men and women face as they labor together. In this installment, Joanna invites Christian men to consider the critical role they play in helping women thrive at work. Be sure to read part 1 and part 2 of the series. Men and women work […]