Jeff Haanen
The Miracle of the Reformers: Why Teaching Your Kids Hymns is Good for the Economy

Perhaps the songs we teach our children is one the most important legacies we can leave for posterity. This morning I sat down to breakfast with my wife and four daughters. After eggs and sausage, we listened to the classic hymn “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation.” My wife educates our […]

Jessica Schroeder
What Wine Taught Me About Wonder

I will now be smelling everything. Well, not everything. But I will be holding fruit, spices, vegetables, herbs, tea, coffee, bread, bowls of yogurt and granola… and certainly wine …up to my nose. If I learned anything from Gisela Kreglinger’s beautiful wine tasting hosted by the Denver Institute for Faith & Work, it is that […]

Jeff Haanen
“Wine is God’s Way of Kissing Humanity”

On Sunday evening, we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Gisela Kreglinger, who holds a PhD in historical theology from the University of St. Andrews, at Denver Institute for Faith & Work. She spoke on her delightful, powerful book The Spirituality of Wine (Eerdmans, 2016).Here are nine quotes from the event that gave me new […]

Joanna Meyer
Look Past the Label

The other day I savored a glass of wine described as having “panache,” just one of many wine words that confound me. At times, I wonder if vintners scour a thesaurus when designing wine labels, or if I just don’t understand and appreciate a good wine.That’s why I’m thrilled to be organizing Denver Institute’s past […]

Joanna Meyer
A Celebration of The Senses…Through Wine

“The Spirituality of Wine.” When you read this phrase – the title of Gisela Kreglinger’s unique book on the role of wine throughout the Bible and Christian history – what challenges, biases, reservations or opportunities come to mind for you? If you’re as curious as we are about this topic, we are excited to invite […]

David Rupert
Dad, Stay Home and Play

I pulled the tie to my neck. It was cinched just like my dad had taught me. He called it the four-in-hand. I just called it “good.” I took another look at myself in the full-length mirror. No lint on my shoulder. Shoes polished. Hair combed back. I had been in the new position for just […]

Blythe Scott
Putting Theology Over Ideology

Blythe Scott is a 5280 Fellow in the 2016-2017 session and co-facilitator of The City Forum, an ongoing event series in Denver that aims to cultivate civility by engaging in public conversations about issues that matter. Her involvement in the series came from a longtime call she had to build bridges of conversation and connection […]

Joanna Meyer
Can You Know the World and Still Love It?

It doesn’t take much to tire of the world’s suffering. Whether it’s the domestic drama of neighbors divorcing or headlines announcing a chemical weapon attack in Syria, we witness pain across the street or across the world every day. It would be easier to keep our heads down, but something prevents us from looking away.Why […]

Steven Garber
The Ordering of Our Loves

Ordo Caritatis. Some words and ideas are worth holding onto, especially ones that take us to deeper places of the heart, that ask us harder questions of the heart — and even more, ones that offer the hope that all is not lost, and that our fragmented selves can be reordered, that we can be […]

Jeff Haanen
Why Leaders Need Literature

When I walk through the door on Friday evening, I can usually feel a slight tingling sensation on my scalp. The speed of the work day – meetings, phone calls, emails, tweets, tasks, problems and exhilarating opportunities – is almost addictive. I can feel my heart rate slightly elevated and my words rushing through my […]

Grace in Silence

A note from the blog editor: In a recent New York Times article, Catholic writer Paul Elie said about the legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese, “Scorsese approaches filmmaking as ‘a priestly avocation, a set of spiritual exercises embedded in technical problems.’” Scoresese’s latest film Silence is based on the 1950s novel by Shusako Endo about 17th […]

Jeff Haanen
Why I Started Denver Institute

Dear friends,I am often asked by friends and donors why I started Denver Institute for Faith & Work (DIFW) back in 2013. Seems like a strange (“esoteric” I’ve heard!) thing to do in the evenings while working a full-time job.I generally answer, “I started DIFW because of three growing convictions in my heart about the […]