Jeff Haanen
Why Leaders Need Literature

When I walk through the door on Friday evening, I can usually feel a slight tingling sensation on my scalp. The speed of the work day – meetings, phone calls, emails, tweets, tasks, problems and exhilarating opportunities – is almost addictive. I can feel my heart rate slightly elevated and my words rushing through my […]

Grace in Silence

A note from the blog editor: In a recent New York Times article, Catholic writer Paul Elie said about the legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese, “Scorsese approaches filmmaking as ‘a priestly avocation, a set of spiritual exercises embedded in technical problems.’” Scoresese’s latest film Silence is based on the 1950s novel by Shusako Endo about 17th […]

Jeff Haanen
Why I Started Denver Institute

Dear friends,I am often asked by friends and donors why I started Denver Institute for Faith & Work (DIFW) back in 2013. Seems like a strange (“esoteric” I’ve heard!) thing to do in the evenings while working a full-time job.I generally answer, “I started DIFW because of three growing convictions in my heart about the […]

Jeff Haanen
We All Proselytize

“Kelly, what does proselytize mean?”“Evangelize, but with negative connotations.”I had to ask my wife one Sunday night because the word came up in a discussion with a local Christian business leader.I’ll paraphrase what he said: “In my company, we believe in the power of entrepreneurship to create flourishing communities. And I’m very open about my […]

Jeff Haanen
“You Have to Be in the Room”: An Interview With Michael Lindsay

In 2008, Michael Lindsay published his Pulitzer-nominated Faith in the Halls of Power, an unprecedented look at influential evangelicals from Washington, D.C. to Wall Street. His latest book, View from the Top (Wiley, 2014), is the result of a 10-year study of  “Platinum Leaders,” 550 elite politicians, CEOs, and nonprofit executives who hold many of […]

Jeff Haanen
“Leadership is as much caught as it is taught”: An Interview with Michael Lindsay

In 2008, Michael Lindsay published his Pulitzer-nominated Faith in the Halls of Power, an unprecedented look at influential evangelicals from Washington, D.C. to Wall Street. His latest book, View from the Top (Wiley, 2014), is the result of a 10-year study of “Platinum Leaders,” 550 elite politicians, CEOs, and nonprofit executives who hold many of the […]

Jeff Haanen
The “Culture Hole” in Our Annual Giving

So many charities, so many choices. This time of year, year-end fundraising appeals pour into our mailboxes. How are we to decide between the many worthy nonprofit causes that are asking for financial support?If you’re anything like Kelly (my wife) and me, you have to make this choice carefully. We’ve set aside a certain amount […]

Jeff Haanen
Broader, Not Deeper

What will allow more pastors to see the importance of work for their church and its mission? How might the faith and work movement help pastors and seminaries to embrace ministry models that equip men and women to serve Christ in the wide array of professions in our culture today? And why is this so […]

Jill Anschutz
Books (and Podcasts) Worth Cozying-up With This Fall

One thing our team at Denver Institute has in common is we all love to read. I asked each staff person to share a book (or podcast) recommendation I could pass along. So pull out the blanket your aunt crocheted for you, brew some tea, and dive into a new book that will challenge you to bear witness […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 2)

Five Principles for Deep Rest Years ago, I spent a year living in Zaragoza, Spain, a vibrant city between Barcelona and Madrid. One of highlights of that year was adopting a more European way of life — trading comfy American sneakers for more fashionable dress shoes and developing an addiction to manchego cheese that remains […]

Joanna Meyer
When A Vacation Isn’t Enough (Part 1)

Discover God’s Life-Giving FreedomWho among us hasn’t dreamt of getting away from it all? On steamy summer afternoons I long to escape my overly-air-conditioned office to relax on a sunny beach or hike a mountain trail. I crave for the unhurried pace and deep relaxation portrayed in travel magazines, but have learned that few vacations […]

Brian Gray
Don’t Buy A One-Way Ticket to Canada Yet

True confession: It’s only May, and I’m already tired of election season. Don’t get me wrong, I worry about the societal effects shifting the balance of the Supreme Court would have and cringe at the thought of releasing Donald Trump, a leader with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, on the world stage. I haven’t booked […]