Brian Gray
Gratitude: An Unexpected Ending

From my work in cardiovascular research to pastoring churches to the nonprofit space, I’ve learned that good numbers can point to a larger story that leaders should understand. Our financial report from a disrupted year tells us the story of three inseparable gifts: the generosity of our community, the stewardship of our staff, and the […]

Brian Gray
Your Turn: Redirecting Our Focus

Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business, and make a profit.” You do not even know what will happen tomorrow! What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you […]

Brian Gray
Redirection: Charting a Different Path

What was the word every leader grew bone-weary of in 2020? “Pivot.” On March 17, I asked the staff to write down everything they needed to do their job fully from home for the next 60 days. They laughed me off as being wrongly too conservative. Turns out I was wrong. In March, we shifted all of […]

Hilary Masell Oswald
Time for Something New

Samantha Glenn has always loved food. “I started a restaurant in our garage when I was six,” she says. “I pulled the patio furniture into the garage and sold Kraft mac ‘n’ cheese and grilled cheese for 25 cents.” From this auspicious start, she honed her skills in the kitchen and then earned a degree […]

Ryan Tafilowski
Your Turn: Lamenting Our Losses

For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. COLOSSIANS 3:3–4 In many ways, 2020 was a lost year, a great, gaping void between 2019 and 2021. As the months unfolded, loss mounted upon loss: […]

Dustin Moody
Lament: The Bang Goes Bust

I still remember reading the headlines in March 2020 that Disney World was closing. For “two weeks,” one of the world’s most recognizable theme parks was shutting down in response to COVID-19. The happiest place on earth would become one of the most desolate. As a native of Florida, I couldn’t remember a scenario like […]

Ryan Tafilowski
Your Turn: A Cause for Celebration

When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us and we are filled with joy. […]

Joanna Meyer
Celebration: Starting With a Bang

2020 started on a high with Business for the Common Good (BCG), the largest event in Denver Institute’s history. More than 400 guests, including entrepreneurs, investors, manufacturers, and innovators from around the world, packed ballrooms at the Grand Hyatt Denver for a day exploring our call to love God and serve our neighbors through business. […]

Kristi Rathbun
How the Psalms Invite Us to See Work in a New Way

Work and worship. To the average churchgoer, these things belong to different realms, different arenas of life not meant to overlap. Compartmentalizing secular and sacred life can seem appealing, particularly when times are tough and our jobs leave us shouldering stress and anxiety. Some yearn for that spiritual escape, to enter the sanctuary and leave […]

Lydia Shoaf
Holy Worldliness

I once heard a pastor say that his parishioners would often comment on how hard it was to go to work in “Godless workplaces,” day after day. The pastor responded, “It’s not Godless, if you are there.” This pastor’s words came to mind—but I began thinking of their meaning in a different way—as I read Matthew […]

Kristi Rathbun
Workforce Development and the Common Good

Today’s job market bears little resemblance to the workforce of 20 years ago. Whereas employees used to remain with a single company for the duration of their careers, modern workers have embraced job hopping every few years as the new norm. While many of our grandparents were able to find steady, well-paying jobs just out […]

Jeff Haanen
Why Faith & Work? (Part 2) – Work

Editor’s note: This is the second in a three-part series. To learn more, take a look at Why Faith & Work (Part 1).We had lost our footing until Stephen Raifsnider showed up. Actually, I ripped it up. First the toilet clogged in our main floor bathroom — repeatedly. (How is that possible from such little girls?) […]