Jeff Haanen
People of Hope

Dear friends, Can you imagine a day when Christians are publicly known for their love? Could you envision a day when even those who disagree with our doctrines look at us, our churches, our workplaces, and our public engagement, and say, “Look how they love us!” As culture secularizes and young people increasingly claim no religion at […]

Expanding Our Reach

We are proud to serve Denver and the Rocky Mountain region through our events and the 5280 Fellowship, and technology like podcasts and online courses amplify our message throughout the country and around the world. In addition to the thousands of podcast listeners and Scatter users engaging with content, DIFW carried the faith and work […]

Discipling for Change

One of the most common points of feedback we receive from our community is the desire to better understand how their faith informs their work. While all DIFW programming is built to equip believers to live out their faith in their workplace as a way to love God and serve our neighbors, our media and […]

Jeff Haanen
Culture is Changing

The Problem In the last 50 years, culture has drastically changed. As culture secularizes and young people increasingly claim no religion at all, the church is searching for a way forward. Today there are nearly 30 million more people who are “religiously unaffiliated” than just 10 years ago. The Christian Response The Christian response has […]

Challenging the Status Quo

In 2019, we fostered conversations around critical issues facing our economy, our churches, and our communities. Jay Jakub, author of Completing Capitalism, challenged us to consider that the public good is not incompatible with a positive balance sheet at “Business for the Common Good.” Dr.s Matthew Hoehner and Ellen Bartling helped educators understand their opportunity […]

Equipping Future Leaders

Since 2016, more than 75 Fellows have completed the nine-month spiritual formation and professional development experience that helps Christians integrate their career and their calling to love God and serve their neighbors. We often say that the 5280 Fellowship is meant to equip participants for a life with God, through work, for the world.As adult […]

Dustin Moody
A Voice for Change

As a native of southern California, Angela Evans felt at home along the U.S.-Mexico border. She made countless visits to Mexico for church mission trips, and her church hosted a Spanish-speaking service. But she didn’t expect the border to serve as a focal point in her future career. After college, Angela found a job at […]

Olivia Duncan
6 Ways to Reframe the Time: Family Intentionality During a Pandemic

Over the past couple of weeks, many of us have felt the tension of doing our jobs well at home while having your child, a spouse, or even roommates barge into the new “office.” My husband and I have been navigating the awkwardness of both working from home in our one-bedroom apartment. We are constantly […]

Jeff Haanen
The Coronavirus Sabbath: 9 Things to Do When Everything is Canceled

Everything is shutting down. Not just major league sports, but swim practices, rec centers, local libraries, and office buildings. In my home state of Colorado, even public schools are shutting down for at least a month.This causes lots of problems. For instance, how are workers like barbers, mechanics, and home health care workers – those […]

Drew Yancey
Leading Through Relationships

“Drew, how am I going to feed my family?” The question haunts me to this day. It was 2013, and the U.S. government had just shut down. The year before, I had taken over as CEO of a distribution company. The company was well positioned, which is how I was able to convince many of […]

Joanna Meyer
Soul Care for Uncertain Times

Maybe your day started like mine: Before I crawled out of bed, I scanned Twitter, Facebook, and The New York Times for the latest COVID-19 updates. Where was the disease spreading? How are friends in Spain and Italy faring? Will Denverites be asked to shelter in place?Thirty minutes later, I realized the error of my […]

Brian Gray
Serving Others While Physically Distancing

As I write this, I am on day seven of working and living from home during the coronavirus pandemic, now with a snowstorm hitting outside. It’s quite a contest between me and my unschooled and unfriended kids as to who can put more crazy into the phrase “stir crazy.” During the week, I’ve pursued ways to […]