Luke Rousch
Creative Destruction and Work as Transformation

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF.Joseph Schumpeter, a prominent economist in the mid-20th century, devoted his life work to the study of capitalism. According to Schumpeter, the “gale of creative destruction” describes the […]

Jeff Haanen
Reimagining Retirement

Editor’s note: This article was original published by The Lausanne Movement. It is shared with permission.Greg Haanen recently turned 65 and retired from a career selling print advertising. For over 14 years, he lived in Minneapolis, while his wife Gayle ran Interlachen Inn, a small restaurant in Alexandria, Minnesota. Having lived apart from her for […]

Katherine Leary Alsdorf
Work: A Way to Love Our Neighbor

Editor’s note: This content was originally published for the Christian Economic Forum’s 2019 Global Event. This content is shared with Denver Institute for Faith & Work with consent from CEF.In Every Good Endeavor, Keller and Alsdorf talk about work as an act of loving your neighbor.1 Drawing on the insights of Luther, Sayers, De Koster, […]

Jeff Haanen
NPR Isn’t the Only Place to Donate Your Car

I arrived at the car repair shop hopeful, only to get the dire news. The total repair for my 2006 Subaru Forester would cost $3,300. The Kelley Blue Book value? Well, let’s say that the cost of repairs far exceeded the total value of my beloved Subaru.What to do? As I started shopping for a new […]

Jeff Haanen
What’s Really Happening to Christianity in America?

The Pew Research Center recently published an alarming report: “In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace.” Since 2009, the religiously unaffiliated have risen from 17% of the population to 26% in 2018/19.  And today only 65% of Americans identify as Christians, down from 77% only a decade ago.The report points out that there’s […]

Dustin Moody
Making All Things New

Our annual fundraiser and celebration of vocation earlier this spring explored the idea of how God is making all things new (Revelation 21:5). We celebrated the places where we’ve seen God’s work of redemption throughout Denver, and we considered how we can individually join his work of restoring our relationships and our companies. We asked […]

Olivia Duncan
Maddie and Paul Voge: How the 5280 Fellowship is Changing Lives

We recently interviewed Maddie and Paul Voge, who completed the 5280 Fellowship, a nine-month leadership program in spiritual formation, professional development, and civic engagement.  Maddie began the 5280 Fellowship working as a freelance copywriter for a small company in Boulder, Colo., and is transitioning to a tech company this fall. Paul began the 5280 Fellowship […]

Joanna Meyer
3 Thoughts on Arts & Faith

What is good art? It’s a question for the ages and one creators, collectors, and patrons wrestle with as they weigh the merits of various works. What qualifies as good Christian art, and who decides, are even tougher questions. Are Precious Moments figurines or Thomas Kinkade prints closer to God’s heart, or do abstract works […]

Jeff Haanen
Lessons Learned from the Global Workplace Forum

I recently returned from the Global Workplace Forum, a conference hosted in Manila by the Lausanne Movement. Started in 1974 by John Stott and Billy Graham, the Lausanne Congress for World Evangelization gathered people from around the world; last week, 850 leaders from 109 different countries met to discuss the next phase of the global […]

Dustin Moody
Shaping Hearts and Minds

Editor’s note: Denver Institute for Faith & Work is excited to explore the importance of character formation in education. In this post, we’re highlighting the unique approach to character formation at New Legacy Charter School, a school for teen parents founded by Jennifer Douglas. Jennifer joins us as a panelist for Character Formation in K-12 […]

The Human Cost of a Government Shutdown

Editor’s note: The post below was written by a federal government employee, currently on furlough. On December 22nd, 2018, a partial government shutdown forced many “nonessential” government workers out of their jobs. Many others were required to report to work without pay. As the shutdown wears on, thousands more contractors are affected, and many are […]

From Colleague to Neighbor

“I grew up in the church and work wasn’t something that was preached,” said Adrienne Tafilowski, the Culture and Care Team Director at L&R Pallet and 5280 Fellowship alumna. “There weren’t small groups dedicated to the theme; people weren’t recommending books on the topic. It was kind of this unknown territory.”When she began working at […]