Joanna Meyer
Watch: What I’ve Learned As An Impact Investor

Impact Investor Rich Hoops joined June’s Social Entrepreneurship Forum to share insight gained as Chairman of the Board at Impact Hub Boulder and a member of Social Venture Partners (Boulder.) Rich discussed: Transitioning from the corporate world to life as a social entrepreneur The challenges and rewards of international investment Managing risk in social investments […]

Three Things I’ve Learned after 20 Years in Social Entrepreneurship

As Executive Director of Belay Enterprises, a faith-based nonprofit organization that creates businesses to employ and job train individuals rebuilding lives from addiction, homelessness and prison, Jim Reiner has seen the benefits of social entrepreneurship first-hand. Over the last 15 years, Belay has launched 6 small businesses and helped hundreds of people rebuild their lives.Jim shared:Why […]

Jeff Haanen
Global Issues Become Business Opportunities at Social Entrepreneurship Forum

“Every global issue is a business opportunity just waiting for the right kind of inventiveentrepreneurship, the right kind of investment,the right kind of collective action.”– Peter DruckerComb through the latest statistics on poverty or crime and you don’t have to look very far to feel discouraged: Almost 22% of American kids live in poverty, 800 […]

Jeff Haanen
What’s the Purpose of Business?

Dorothy Sayers can sure pack a punch.  After the second world war, in a reflection on how to rebuild the economy she wrote:“But what are we to say about a civilization which employs so many of its workers in doing work which has no worth at all, work which no living man with a soul […]