Bob Cutillo
Health as Possession or Health as Gift?

Our image of health care depends on our understanding of health. And this, at its most basic level, begins with an important question: Is health a possession, or is it a gift? The answer makes all the difference. If health is a possession, it is my health — something to have and hold, a thing […]

Dr. Ray Barfield
Medicine’s Proper Role at the End of Life (3 of 3)

 (Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the third of three articles by Dr. Barfield.)In the conversation surrounding end-of-life, we need doctors who listen to who we are so that they can help us make decisions that fit our lives and world […]

Dr. Ray Barfield
A New Way of Forming Doctors to Deal with the End of Life (2 of 3)

(Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the second of three articles by Dr. Barfield.)There’s a long, long line at St. Peter’s gate, and the newly dead grumble about the delay.  Suddenly there’s a commotion at the back of the line as […]

Dr. Ray Barfield
The Key to Solving Almost Every Problem about End-of-Life Care in the US (1 of 3)

[Editor’s Note: This post was adapted from a talk by Ray Barfield at the January 2015 DIFW Healthcare Forum. This is the first of three articles by Dr. Barfield.]I just finished a few weeks on inpatient oncology where I diagnosed a 15 year old with leukemia after a massive brain bleed and diagnosed a 13 […]

Jeff Haanen
Healthcare Forum Videos

Dr. Abraham Nussbaum, M.D., M.T.S., is an attending psychiatrist on the adult inpatient service at Denver Health, and an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He earned a master’s degree in Medicine and Theology from Duke Divinity School and is the author of The Pocket Guide to the DSM-5(TM) […]

People First: An Interview with Dr. Brent Bailey

Dr. Brent Bailey has been practicing dentistry in Highlands Ranch, Colorado since 1984. He is a graduate from the University of Michigan School of Dentistry and is committed both to technical excellence and personal care for his patients. He is also the founder of LookUp2Him, a ministry that helps men and women to “practice the […]

Health By Numbers

A patient stands out from my early days as a physician. She was a person of little education, of a socioeconomic class that few valued, in her sixties with advanced lung cancer. Already beyond a surgical cure, there were chemotherapeutic agents that the data showed might help, though only in small numbers of cases, and […]

Bethany L. Jenkins
Faith & Medicine: A Christian Approach to Healthcare

The following is an interview with DIFW Board Member Dr. Bob Cutillo in partnership with Every Square Inch, the faith and work initiative of The Gospel Coalition. Dr. Cutillo was featured in a weekly column which asks practitioners about their jobs and how they integrate their faith and work. The original post can be found […]

Bob Cutillo
Living Well in the Face of Death

When people of faith are faced with life and death decisions, does what they believe make a difference? One would like to think so. Yet a 2009 study of patients with advanced metastatic cancer in the Journal of the American Medical Association suggests otherwise. Christians at the end of life seemed as a fearful of […]

Bob Cutillo
Healing the Divide in Medicine

I have been a physician practicing medicine for over 30 years, and if I can be honest, I am uncomfortable with the direction of my profession. I was once told that the secret of patient care is caring for the patient. But so many forces align themselves against seeing the patient as a person whole […]

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