Bill Haslam
Public Office as a Spiritual Discipline

Editor’s note: This article originally appeared on Jan. 11, 2019 in Comment, a publication of CARDUS: Read the full version in Comment.Today, many Christians on both sides of the aisle seem to have come to the conclusion that Machiavelli was right. They’ve concluded we have to choose between being faithful and being political. As […]

S2E2: Faith in the Public Square

Do you like The Faith & Work Podcast? Be sure to subscribe! Now available on iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, and Spotify. Summary How do Christians constructively engage cultural and political discussions in this increasingly divisive age? Whether we’re speaking up at a city council meeting, figuring out how to navigate a touchy subject over Thanksgiving dinner, or […]

Citizenship is Our Common Calling

Editor’s note: This post originally appeared in Capital Commentary, a publication of the Center for Public Justice.For many Christians, our citizenship can best be characterized by the hope that it is somebody else’s job. I am regularly told what I should do or not do to “fix our broken government,” where government is always the […]

Laura Bernero
Pursuing Your Dream in the Face of Adversity

Blythe Scott, a 5280 Fellow in the 2016-2017 session, has a passion to advocate for the most vulnerable in society through politics, policy and the church, believing in the power of God’s people to join him in the “renewal of all things.”Her passions for faith and politics became more and more integrated during the Fellowship, […]

Laura Bernero
Biblical Conflict Resolution

This post originally appeared on the blog of Anderson Allen LLC, a Christian Mediation firm based in Denver. Founders Rachel Anderson and Shannon Allen share their perspective on how the Bible informs and instructs believers in relational conflict, and how that guides their practice as attorneys and mediators. Check back on the blog later this […]

Tim Weinhold
It’s What Works

A few years back, Matt Levine was working crazy hours as a young attorney at a premier New York law firm.1 On more than a few occasions he would work until 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning, slide under his desk for a couple hours of sleep, then be right back at it come 6:00 […]

Rachel Moran
Bringing Light to the Darkness

I grew up as a white child raised by middle-class parents in a suburb so idyllic that it was named the safest city in America for three years running during my elementary and middle school years. After I graduated from high school, I went to a small Christian college in an area so rural and […]

David Hyams
From Big Law to (Very) Small Law

One Lawyer’s Journey from Practicing in Armani Suits in a High Rise Tower to Sweatpants in His Bedroom (or, from Billing Machine to Whole-Hearted Solopreneuer) June 1, 2014. That’s when I decided. I was walking the 1.2 miles home at 3:00 in the morning from the train station (my connector bus ran its final route […]

Alex Wenzel
“A Christian and a Lawyer?”

A college student at my church once approached me after a service and asked, “Do you think it’s possible to be a Christian and a lawyer?”I think I masked the offense I felt pretty well.While his question was fairly general considering the vast types of law practices there are, I understood the thrust of his […]

Is Our Criminal Justice System Broken?

The Atlantic asks this question in a short video interview of law enforcement professionals, academics, and people on the receiving end of enforcement. While the question is broad, the responses focus on two key components of the system: policing and incarceration. The arguments among criminal justice professionals are essentially that policing is over-militarized and that […]

Jeff Haanen
Lincoln on Being a Lawyer

I came across this quote while reading the late Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy Continued, and it was so rich I wanted to pass it on to you: There is a vague popular belief that lawyers are necessarily dishonest. I say vague, because when we consider to what extent confidence and honors are reposed in […]

Jeff Haanen
A New Way to Practice Law

“I want to leave you with two practical things that changed the way I practice law and changed my life.” It was with these words that Judge Hegarty capped off the panel discussion at the law forum on February 25. The panel brought together a unique mix of wisdom, professional experience, theological insight and humility. […]