Jeff Haanen
Seven Quotes from Psychiatrist Curt Thompson on Shame

We at Denver Institute for Faith & Work had the privilege of welcoming author and psychiatrist Curt Thompson to Denver. We began with a conversation with pastors on how shame influences our brains, our vocations, and pastoral ministry; we then heard Curt speak at Colorado Community Church to 150 attendees on how to heal shame […]

Jill Anschutz
What’s All This Talk About Shame?

When I first heard that we were bringing psychiatrist Curt Thompson to Denver for an event about shame, I’ll admit I struggled to understand the relevance to our work at Denver Institute. But the more I’ve read on the topic in the last few weeks, the more I’m convinced of the importance of understanding what […]

Elizabeth Moyer
Is Shame Thwarting Your Calling?

The teacher called my name and I felt my face ignite. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I knew immediately that I resembled a tomato. I quickly answered the question and tried to wish away my blushing cheeks, which was fruitless after a classmate whispered, “Why are your cheeks so red?” This was a far […]

Jeff Haanen
New Videos: Medicine Reimagined

Denver Institute for Faith & Work hosted a two-day conference about the major issues in health care today from the perspective of Christian faith. “Reimagining Medicine” brought together leading voices on health care, theology, and culture with practitioners – nurses, hospital administrators, and doctors – from across the Front Range.Whether or not you work in […]

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